Image: Iziko_SAMLB_D_!n007
Contributor :
Medium : pencil
Date : 15 September 1881
Size : 315x254
Category : personal history , relations with others , plants and animals , custom and daily life
Keywords : map (!nanni's maternal grandfather's people) , map (!nanni's country) , map (!kun country) , plant (in map of !nanni's country) , plant (fruit and thorn trees) , animal (elephant) , animal (in map of !nanni's country) , European (road) , European (and map of !nanni's country) , Bushmen (|ya-kao) , Bushmen (their country) , Bushmen (and map of !nanni's country) , personal history (map of his country) , water ('much') , water (-place) , water (-pool) , water (-pit) , water (and map of !nanni's country) , road (European's) , road (Damara) , road (and map of !nanni's country) , Makoba (country) , Makoba (and map of !nanni's country) , Damara (road) , Damara (and map of !nanni's country) , Ovaherero (Dama road) , Ovaherero (and map of !nanni's country)
Description : This map is said to represent the Bushmen's country, !nanni's country, a region of many thorn trees (elephant country) also Naba trees grow here, sunrise, a country of fruit trees (!naxane, |kui, shao, tshaka, dui), Bushman road, tcho (this is a place where there is a water pit), European's road leading into the Bushman country, more elephant and thorn-tree country, water, a mere road, which goes to the Makoba country, European's road, !kanni ≠nauwa (a water-pit), a pool called ||gu |ne seems to be near it, |kau sha (also a place where water is), European's road, xamma (much water), water, water, water, water, |ya-kao Bushmen (their country is called |ya), Makoba country, a long river, ||xumm called Shonongo by the Makoba, ||xumm, European's road, Dama road, Here the two roads join, European's road, Damara Road of return to their own country, European's road, European's road, a stream of water, Bezha, The country of !nanni's maternal grandfather's people, Dama road
Medium : pencil
Date : 15 September 1881
Size : 315x254
Category : personal history , relations with others , plants and animals , custom and daily life
Keywords : map (!nanni's maternal grandfather's people) , map (!nanni's country) , map (!kun country) , plant (in map of !nanni's country) , plant (fruit and thorn trees) , animal (elephant) , animal (in map of !nanni's country) , European (road) , European (and map of !nanni's country) , Bushmen (|ya-kao) , Bushmen (their country) , Bushmen (and map of !nanni's country) , personal history (map of his country) , water ('much') , water (-place) , water (-pool) , water (-pit) , water (and map of !nanni's country) , road (European's) , road (Damara) , road (and map of !nanni's country) , Makoba (country) , Makoba (and map of !nanni's country) , Damara (road) , Damara (and map of !nanni's country) , Ovaherero (Dama road) , Ovaherero (and map of !nanni's country)
Description : This map is said to represent the Bushmen's country, !nanni's country, a region of many thorn trees (elephant country) also Naba trees grow here, sunrise, a country of fruit trees (!naxane, |kui, shao, tshaka, dui), Bushman road, tcho (this is a place where there is a water pit), European's road leading into the Bushman country, more elephant and thorn-tree country, water, a mere road, which goes to the Makoba country, European's road, !kanni ≠nauwa (a water-pit), a pool called ||gu |ne seems to be near it, |kau sha (also a place where water is), European's road, xamma (much water), water, water, water, water, |ya-kao Bushmen (their country is called |ya), Makoba country, a long river, ||xumm called Shonongo by the Makoba, ||xumm, European's road, Dama road, Here the two roads join, European's road, Damara Road of return to their own country, European's road, European's road, a stream of water, Bezha, The country of !nanni's maternal grandfather's people, Dama road