The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


!kun contributors

!nanni (XI) !nanni was the oldest of four !kun boys that Lloyd interviewed, estimated to be in his late teens. He arrived in Mowbray on the 1st of September 1879. Mr W Coates Palgrave arranged for his placement (along with a younger boy called Tamme) at the Bleek and Lloyd household and it seems he delivered the two youths there himself. !nanni belonged to a group of !kun called the ||no (or ||no o) and their country was situated in an area in the north east of Damaraland (in what is now Namibia) that they called the Kaku i ra  (see page 9360v). !nanni’s people were known as |kam-ssin !ku  or 'Sun' Bushmen (page 9175v). According to Tamme, !nanni was a ||noo yau Bushman (see page 9898v).

Tamme (XII) Tamme was the second oldest !kun boy, estimated to be in his mid-teens. He arrived in Mowbray on the 1st of September 1879 with an older lad named !nanni in the company of Mr W Coates Palgrave. Tamme belonged to a group of !kun he called the ||koo yau (see page 9898v) and their country was situated in an area in the north east of Damaraland (in what is now Namibia) they called the Tsaba (see page 9360v of the notebooks).

|uma (XIII)

|uma was one of the two younger !kun boys who arrived in Mowbray on the 25th of March 1880. |uma (and the youngest boy Da) were placed in the Bleek and Lloyd household after permission was granted by the Cape ‘Native Department’. Iuma and his people came from an area in the north east of Damaraland (in what is now Namibia) called |ka saba (see page 10225). According to Tamme (see page 9898v) |uma was a ≠ka'o yau Bushman. Lloyd notes on the reverse of a photograph of |uma (in the collection of the NLSA) that |uma is ‘apparently’ between 12 and 14 years of age.

Da (XIV)

Da was the youngest !kun boy interviewed and arrived in Mowbray on the 25th of March 1880 with an older boy, |uma. The boys were placed in the Bleek and Lloyd household after permission was granted by the Cape ‘Native Department’.