Image: NLLB_D_!n072
Contributor :
Medium : pencil
Date : 28 November 1880
Size : 288x95
Category : plants and animals , custom and daily life , relations with others
Keywords : plant (edible, roots, fruit, ground nut, melon-like) , Makoba (Goba) , Makoba (Ngoba) , food (edible plants)
Description : 1. wa, plant found in the Makoba's country, the tuberous roots of which are boiled and eaten by the Makoba, 2. Ngoba !nue, 3. Zerre *a small plant bearing roots or fruit in the ground., Goba umm, a plant (bearing a kind of ground nut?), 4. taba+ +a melon or pumpkin-like plant., 5. taba go, 6. taba |ne-ssin
Medium : pencil
Date : 28 November 1880
Size : 288x95
Category : plants and animals , custom and daily life , relations with others
Keywords : plant (edible, roots, fruit, ground nut, melon-like) , Makoba (Goba) , Makoba (Ngoba) , food (edible plants)
Description : 1. wa, plant found in the Makoba's country, the tuberous roots of which are boiled and eaten by the Makoba, 2. Ngoba !nue, 3. Zerre *a small plant bearing roots or fruit in the ground., Goba umm, a plant (bearing a kind of ground nut?), 4. taba+ +a melon or pumpkin-like plant., 5. taba go, 6. taba |ne-ssin