The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: |xue as !naxane and butterflies and with people who are afraid


|xue as !naxane and butterflies and with people who are afraid


Lucy Lloyd !kun notebooks


|xue journeys to his country (and his mother's and father's country) and searches for his father. He hears two people coming, so he becomes many !naxane leaves. The people see |xue's fire and search for him and |xue changes into !naxane fruit. The people want to eat the fruit, but |xue becomes many butterflies and the people run away. |xue changes back to a |xue-child and lies down, crying for the people to pick him up. The people hide from |xue. |xue stops being the Sun but becomes a little fly, and then a large black butterfly. He calls for the women to pour their (women's) milk into his eye, but they pour badly and |xue can only see from one eye. |xue 'works' rain to fall on the women. He sounds a |ou's horn (the |ou is a small buck, probably a steenbok) and 'works' fire and the fire burns for many months. |xue climbs a palm tree and sleeps at the top of it. |xue's wife chops the tree down despite his protests. [This story was supposed to 'be continued' (page 9616v) but appears not to have been.]


1) p.9601v: !nanni heard this from his paternal grandfather (Karu), 2) This story is found in Book XI & XII-8


!nanni (XI)


September (started) – 25 November 1880




|xue (journeys to his country) , |xue (laughs at the women) , |xue (works, or commands, the rain) , |xue (sounds on a |ou's horn) , |xue (works fire and burns the grass) , |xue (the women pour their milk into his eye) , |xue (breaks his firestick) , |xue (searches for the women) , |xue (sleeps in a palm tree) , |xue (eats palm-fruit) , |xue (and his wife) , |xue (and the women) , |xue (his wife chops down his tree) , |xue (the people are afraid of him) , |xue (the people crawl away from him on hands and knees) , |xue (the people run away from him) , |xue (becomes, or works, many !naxane leaves, !naxane fruit, butterflies, a |xue-child, a little fly, a large black butterfly, is |xue again, the Sun, the Moon and fire) , |xue (cries as a child) , |xue (wants to be 'taken up') , |xue (journeys to his father's country) , |xue (searches for his father) , |xue (as !naxane) , |xue (and butterflies) , |xue (and people who are afraid) , |xue (is feared) , |xue (he works, or makes, many things) , |xue (cries) , |xue (hides and is searched for) , |xue (becomes different things on different days) , |xue (resembles many things) , |xue (his appearance) , |xue (he is little, and not handsome) , |xue (he resembles the Moon) , |xue (he is red like the Sun) , |xue (his doings) , |xue (his transformations) , |xue (changes at sunrise and sunset) , transformation (of |xue) , transformation (|xue works, or makes, many things) , transformation (|xue becomes different things) , transformation (|xue's changes) , transformation (becomes, or works, many !naxane leaves, !naxane fruit, butterflies, a |xue-child, a little fly, a large black butterfly, is |xue again, the Sun, the Moon and fire) , plants (!naxane) , plants (palm) , plants (!kun names of) , plants (|xue as !naxane and butterflies and with people who are afraid) , country (|xue's mother's and father's) , country (|xue's) , country (|xue as !naxane and butterflies and with people who are afraid) , people (who are afraid) , people (|xue as !naxane and butterflies and with people who are afraid) , women (their milk and |xue) , women (|xue as !naxane and butterflies and with people who are afraid) , wife (|xue's) , wife (|xue as !naxane and butterflies and with people who are afraid) , Sun (|xue resembles) , Sun (|xue as !naxane and butterflies and with people who are afraid) , Moon (|xue resembles) , Moon (|xue as !naxane and butterflies and with people who are afraid) , buck (called |ou) , buck (|ou's horn sounded by |xue) , buck (|xue as !naxane and butterflies and with people who are afraid) , milk (women pour theirs into |xue's eye) , milk (|xue as !naxane and butterflies and with people who are afraid) , horn (|xue sounds an |ou's) , horn (|xue as !naxane and butterflies and with people who are afraid) , butterfly (|xue as !naxane and butterflies and with people who are afraid) , father (|xue searches for his) , father (|xue as !naxane and butterflies and with people who are afraid) , names (of animals and plants) , names (|xue as !naxane and butterflies and with people who are afraid) , tree (palm, climbed by |xue) , tree (|xue as !naxane and butterflies and with people who are afraid)

Story Pages

9602-9607, 9605v-9607v, 9609v-9616v

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