Story: The Moon and the Hare and |xue
The Moon and the Hare and |xue
U'we (or |xue) creates things (including food animals). The Moon says that the people shall return again from death (and not die outright). The Moon tells the Hare that the Hare's dead son will return to life, but the Hare objects, saying that his dead son smells bad. |xue laughs at the Hare and beats him. The Moon tells |xue to leave the Hare alone, but |xue ignores the Moon. The Hare's wife beats |xue. The Moon tells the She-Hare to leave |xue alone, but she tells the Moon that she will kill |xue for beating her husband. The male Hare gets up and kills |xue, who does not die outright. The Moon kills |xue a number of times, but he does not die outright. The Moon and his wife threaten each other. The Moon's wife tells the Moon to kill |xue, but the Moon is afraid.
1) This story is continued and concluded in Book XI-1: see End of Moon and Hare story (!nanni), 2) p.9626v: Tamme heard this from his paternal grandfather (Nakka), 3) p.9650v: D. Bleek began translating at this point (on the page opposite) in 1924, 4) p.9655v: (20 November 1880) the !kun names of animals found in the boys' country, 5) The |xam narratives contain many similar tales concerning the creation of death (see also The Moon and the little Hare in |xam Book II-6 and Story of the Moon and the Hare: a version at first by ≠kasin and then by Dia!kwain in |xam Book IV-4), 6) This story is found in Book XI & XII-8
18 – 27 September 1880
Celestial bodies and aeroscopy
|xue (or U'we) , |xue (makes the rain that kills the Moon) , |xue (his two bags) , |xue (and the Hare's wife) , |xue (laughs at and beats the Hare) , |xue (and the creation of death) , |xue (his mother's country) , |xue (becomes a small child and cries) , |xue (his transformations) , |xue (his father's country) , |xue (the Moon beats him) , |xue (does not die altogether, or outright) , |xue (the Moon fears him) , |xue (the Moon tries to kill him many times) , |xue (is only a little dead) , |xue (the names of his relations) , |xue (his actions and doings) , |xue (makes, or works, many things) , |xue (the Moon and the Hare and) , |xue (made things) , |xue (and !kun story of creation) , |xue (made 'food things') , |xue (puts his dead son in a bag) , |xue (created animals to be eaten) , food ('things' made by |xue) , food (creation of) , food (the Moon and the Hare and |xue) , creation (story of the !kun) , creation (story told by Tamme) , creation (of death and all things) , creation (by |xue) , creation (the Moon and the Hare and |xue) , creation (of food and food animals) , creation (of illness) , !kun (creation story of, told by Tamme) , !kun (story of the death of Bushmen) , Hare (does not resemble the Moon) , Hare (She-) , Hare (-husband) , Hare (-wife beats |xue) , Hare (the doings of hares) , Hare (hares do not live in one country) , Hare (does not return) , Hare (does not resemble us, who return) , Hare (dies altogether) , Hare (is beaten by |xue) , Hare (and his dead son who smells bad) , Hare (his wife and |xue) , Hare (his divining pieces) , Hare (his bags) , Hare (throws his bags far away) , Hare (and the bags of the dead Bushmen) , Hare (objects to the odour of the dead Bushmen) , Hare (the Moon burns him) , Hare (accounting for his short tail) , Hare (did not speak nicely) , Hare (his speech) , Hare (the Moon and the Hare and |xue) , Moon (his two houses) , Moon (his little country) , Moon (his great country) , Moon (and |xue) , Moon (and his wife) , Moon (tries to kill |xue) , Moon (his wife beats and wants to kill him) , Moon (fears |xue) , Moon (|xue makes the rain that kills him) , Moon (respects |xue, who is another person) , Moon (|xue goes to his house) , Moon (spoke nicely) , Moon (and the Hare and |xue) , death (!kun story of creation of) , death (origins of) , death (and |xue) , death (and the Hare's bag of illness) , death (Hare objects to the odour of decay) , death (and the return to life of the dead Bushmen) , death (and resurrection) , death (of people) , death (of animals) , death (and the Moon which returns again) , death (and |xue, the Hare and the Moon) , ætiology (of death) , ætiology (of the appearance of the Hare) , ætiology (the Moon and the Hare and |xue) , dead Bushmen (and the Hare and the Moon and |xue) , dead Bushmen (their bags are thrown by the Hare into their country) , dead Bushmen (smell badly) , bag (belonging to the dead Bushmen) , bag (of illness) , bag (creation of illness and death) , bag (of the Hare) , bag (the Moon and the Hare and |xue) , creation ('U'we made these things') , creation (of death) , creation (of illness) , creation (by the Hare) , creation (by |xue or U'we) , creation (and the bag of the dead Bushmen) , creation (the Moon and the Hare and |xue) , divining (the pieces of wood used) , divining (the Hare's pieces) , divining (the Moon and the Hare and |xue) , illness (small illnesses) , illness (and the Hare's divining pieces) , illness (the creation of) , illness (and the death of Bushmen) , illness (and the Hare's bag) , illness (the Moon and the Hare and |xue) , transformation (of |xue) , transformation (|xue works many things) , transformation (and the Moon and the Hare and |xue) , speech (of the Hare) , speech (Hare did not speak nicely) , speech (the Moon and the Hare and |xue) , speech (of the Moon, who spoke nicely) , country (Moon's great and little) , country (the Moon and the Hare and |xue) , country (hares do not live in only one) , country (|xue's father's) , country (of the dead Bushmen) , wife (Moon's beats him) , wife (the Moon and the Hare and |xue) , rain (made by |xue kills the Moon) , rain (the Moon and the Hare and |xue) , Tamme (his story of the Moon and the Hare and |xue)
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