Story: Animals eaten by the !kun
Animals eaten by the !kun
Tamme describes what wild animals are eaten by the !kun.
1) p.9772v: !nanni and |uma provide some vocabulary, 2) See also Things eaten by the !kun and Food eaten by the !kun and What !nanni's father told him (what to eat and avoid), 3) This story is found in Book XI & XII-10
9 December 1880
food (wild animals eaten by the !kun) , food (eating elephant or !xo) , food (eating white rhinoceros, or |khi) , food (eating black rhinoceros, or !na'bba) , food (eating giraffe, or ≠koa) , food (eating buffalo, or |kau) , food (eating quagga, or !uha) , food (eating |no) , food (eating gnu, or !ge) , food (eating ||kau'ku) , food (eating springbok, or yara) , food (eating gemsbok, or !kau wa) , food (eating zebra, or !nan-u) , food (eating kabaka) , food (eating ||na) , names (!kun) , names (of wild animals eaten by the !kun) , animals (wild) , animals (!kun names of) , animals (eaten by the !kun) , animals (eaten as food) , animals (descriptions of) , elephant (animals eaten by the !kun) , elephant (!kun name of) , rhinoceros (white) , rhinoceros (animals eaten by the !kun) , rhinoceros (!kun name of) , rhinoceros (black) , rhinoceros (animals eaten by the !kun) , rhinoceros (!kun name of) , giraffe (animals eaten by the !kun) , giraffe (!kun name of) , buffalo (animals eaten by the !kun) , buffalo (!kun name of) , quagga (animals eaten by the !kun) , quagga (!kun name of) , gnu (animals eaten by the !kun) , gnu (!kun name of) , |no (animals eaten by the !kun) , ||kau'ku (animals eaten by the !kun) , springbok (animals eaten by the !kun) , springbok (!kun name of) , gemsbok (animals eaten by the !kun) , gemsbok (!kun name of) , zebra (animals eaten by the !kun) , zebra (!kun name of) , kabaka (animals eaten by the !kun) , ||na (animals eaten by the !kun)
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