The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: Killing a wife by means of a poisoned arrow in her bed


Killing a wife by means of a poisoned arrow in her bed


Lucy Lloyd !kun notebooks


!kun husbands kill their wives by placing a poisoned arrow (a |nu'bbo) upright in her bed. The husband tells the crying mother to stop crying, as his actions were justified. The mother-in-law says she will mourn her daughter for many days and will not listen to a 'stranger' who has killed her daughter. The husband says that he will kill his mother-in-law if she does not consent to go away.


1) p.9838v: !nanni heard this from his paternal grandfather (Karu) as well as his maternal grandfather (|k'on'ta), 2) p.9844v: the dead woman's mother respects her son-in-law's name and does not say it, but addresses him as 'stranger' or 'different' people, 3) p.9845v: (26 May 1881) terms of address for different members of the family (among siblings), 4) This story is found in Book XI & XII-10


!nanni (XI)


21 May 1881 (started)


Custom and daily life


family (and uxoricide) , family (the husband is a stranger, or a 'different person') , family (the !kun structure of) , family (wives collect food to feed their husbands) , family (and marrying 'another country's man') , family (and wife-killing) , family (and the treatment of women) , family (and the treatment of the wife) , family (and the treatment of mothers-in-law) , family (terms of address for members of, siblings, in-laws) , death (and uxoricide) , death (the mother mourns her daughter) , death (killing a wife) , death (of the wife killed by means of a poisoned arrow in her bed) , death (uxoricide) , death (wife-killing) , wife (and uxoricide) , wife (attitudes towards) , wife (killing, using a poisoned arrow in her bed) , wife (treatment of) , address (terms of address for in-laws) , address (and respect in the family) , respect (terms of) , respect (and address used for in-laws or men) , respect (for son-in-laws) , respect (in the !kun family) , arrow (name of) , arrow (called |nu'bbo) , arrow (killing a wife with a poisoned and wooden one) , uxoricide (killing a wife by means of a poisoned arrow in her bed) , women (treatment of wives) , women (uxoricide) , women (killing a wife by means of a poisoned arrow in her bed) , name (used by the !kun for a poisoned arrow) , name (and terms of address for in-laws) , husband (who killed his wife by means of a poisoned arrow in her bed) , husband (treatment of the wife's mother) , mourning (by her mother, of the wife killed by means of a poisoned arrow in her bed)

Story Pages


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