The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: The |khoro and the ≠gue-||na


The |khoro and the ≠gue-||na


Lucy Lloyd !kun notebooks


A description of an edible plant called the |khoro. It grows on the ground and the root is cooked in the fire. The birds eat the fruit. Certain practices relating to phases of the moon are observed when eating this or the ≠gue-||na plant. There is a description of the two plants and where and how they grow. Their stems climb trees and are long, but the edible parts of the plants are short. Both of these plants can be harmful if eaten at the wrong time.


1) p.9887v: !nanni heard this from his paternal grandfather (Karu) and observed it himself; see also !nanni's drawing of the ≠gue-||na dated 1 August 1881 (NLLB_D_!n083), 2) a !kun custom in which a person desists from eating if he has shot another person (or a countryman) who takes a long time to die, 3) This story is found in Book XI & XII-11


!nanni (XI), Tamme (XII)


1 August 1881 (told on or about) and 3 August 1881


Custom and daily life, Plants and animals


plants (the |khoro) , plants (!kun names for) , plants (and the moon) , plants (which are edible) , plants (which are harmful if eaten at the wrong time) , plants (≠gue-||na and the |khoro are eaten when the moon has grown) , |khoro (plant) , |khoro (and the ≠gue-||na plant) , |khoro (who eats it) , |khoro (is eaten by a person who has shot game) , |khoro (and the times of year) , |khoro (is feared when the game is dead) , |khoro (and the actions of the moon) , |khoro (and the rain and the sun) , |khoro (burns and causes pain in the throat and mouth) , |khoro (is eaten as food) , |khoro (a food plant) , |khoro (a description of) , |khoro (the preparation of) , |khoro (is not eaten when the young moon appears) , |khoro (is feared when the Moon is young) , |khoro (the 'little moon's |khoro') , food (and the rain) , food (eaten by the !kun) , food (eaten at different times of the month and year) , food (and the actions of the moon) , food (that is harmful to people) , food (that is poisonous) , food (when the ≠gue-||na and the |khoro are eaten) , food (and hunting) , food (and shooting game) , food (that is harmful if eaten at the wrong time) , ≠gue-||na (plant) , ≠gue-||na (burns) , ≠gue-||na (and the 'child-moon') , ≠gue-||na (and the |khoro are eaten when the moon has grown) , ≠gue-||na (is poisonous) , ≠gue-||na (is not eaten when the young moon appears) , ≠gue-||na (and the 'little moon's |khoro') , moon (practices observed relating to its phases) , moon (the 'little moon's |khoro') , moon (young) , moon (and the |khoro and the ≠gue-||na plants) , moon (and foods eaten during its phases) , poison (poisonous plant) , poison (the ≠gue-||na plant is poisonous) , poison (poisonous plants and phases of the moon) , hunting (and plants eaten by the !kun) , hunting (|khoro plant is eaten by a person who has shot game) , hunting (|khoro is feared when the game is dead)

Story Pages

9888-9891, 9902

Page Images

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