Story: Words and sentences: Mkuan at the Breakwater
Words and sentences: Mkuan at the Breakwater
The prisoner Mkuan provides Lloyd with words and sentences at the Breakwater Convict Station in April 1880, including details of his personal history. He also provides the names for parts of the body, plants and animals, and other objects and elements from daily life.
1) p.10 293 opp: see At Breakwater, 17 April 1880 and The |xam names of some of Mkuan's relations, 2) p.10 306v: a reference to Mkuan's description of figures in one of J.M. Orpen's copies of rock paintings, 3) p.10 308v: some words from the Sephati-speaking people; some words by |uma, !nanni and Tamme, 4) p.10 312v: some details of poisons 'entered by mistake' and provided by 'the boys from the country to the northeast of Damaraland' (the !kun contributors), 5) This story is found in Book XV-1
17 April 1880 (started)
Words and sentences, History (personal)
words and sentences (given by Mkuan at the Breakwater Convict Station) , vocabulary (|xam) , vocabulary (given by Mkuan at the Breakwater Convict Station) , Breakwater Convict Station (words and sentences given by Mkuan there) , Mkuan (his personal history) , Mkuan (at the Breakwater) , personal history (of Mkuan) , personal history (Mkuan at the Breakwater Convict Station)
Story Pages
10 293-10 317