The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: The advice that Dia!kwain's mother gave him about the tortoise, i.e. that he must not leave one, if he saw it, but must take it home


The advice that Dia!kwain's mother gave him about the tortoise, i.e. that he must not leave one, if he saw it, but must take it home


Wilhelm Bleek notebooks


[The account of The Lions, the Tortoise, the little Hare and the old Woman], embracing the tortoise, the little hare, and the old woman, in the Katkop dialect (by Dia!kwãin, who had it from his mother #kámme–an), written by L (B XXVI. 2487–2529, XXVII. 2530–2535). It ends with the mother’s advice to Dia!kwãin, as a moral to the fable (B XXVII. 2535_2539). Dia!kwain's mother tells him to pick up and take home a male tortoise if he sees one. The people worry that if they eat a tortoise it will avenge itself upon them, as it did with the lion who starved to death on account of his bad luck with finding food. But Dia!kwain's mother says that the tortoise will not take revenge if it understands that the person eating it is hungry and so a hunter must take it even if the tortoise doesn't want him to.


1)This story was told to Dia!kwain (David Hoesar) by his mother (≠kamme-an), 2) Notes made on 22 February 1875 (p.2538v) including the |xam name for the ratel, or honey-badger (Ratellus mellivorus), 3) See also The Lions, the Tortoise, the little Hare and the old Woman, 4) This story is found in Book XXVII


Dia!kwain (David Hoesar) (V)




Custom and daily life


tortoise (the advice that Dia!kwain's mother gave him about the tortoise) , tortoise (advice about eating) , tortoise (picking up) , tortoise (male) , tortoise (cooking of) , tortoise (the revenge of the Tortoise on the Lion) , tortoise (and luck in getting food) , tortoise (fear of) , tortoise (the Tortoise and the Lion) , tortoise (children eat) , tortoise (grown-ups do not eat) , tortoise (prohibitions about eating) , Lion (and the advice Dia!kwain's mother gave him about the tortoise) , Lion (and the revenge of the Tortoise) , Lion (who died of hunger) , teaching (lessons) , teaching (the advice Dia!kwain's mother gave him about the tortoise) , mother (the advice Dia!kwain's gave him about the tortoise) , Dia!kwain (David Hoesar) , Dia!kwain (the advice his mother gave him about the tortoise) , Dia!kwain (his personal history) , food (avoidances) , food (the advice Dia!kwain's mother gave him about the tortoise) , food (avoidances and prohibitions regarding) , food (luck finding) , food (hunting for) , food (eating and cooking tortoise) , food (eating of tortoise by children) , food (grown-ups do not eat tortoise) , eating (when hungry) , eating (customs regarding) , eating (the advice Dia!kwain's mother gave him about the tortoise) , eating (of tortoise) , eating (of tortoise by children) , eating (grown-ups do not eat tortoise) , eating (prohibitions about) , eating (food avoidances) , personal history (the advice Dia!kwain's mother gave him about the tortoise)

Story Pages


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