The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: About new maidens


About new maidens


Wilhelm Bleek notebooks


Versions of this transformation [of 'new maidens'] into frogs, ascribed chiefly to a new Maiden’s acts of disobedience, are given in the Katkop dialect by !kwéiten ta //kên (L VI.–1. 3930–3958), and by Dia!kwãin. (B XXVII. 2609–2618, continued in L V.–2. 3864–3881). When a girl becomes a new maiden she must not look at people or else she will transfix them. This is what happened to the young man long ago when the new maiden looked at him after she had gone to hear him play his !goura. That is why the new maidens have to lie in a house made for them by the old women so they cannot look or laugh at anyone. The old women take care of them. A maiden disobeys her mother and leaves the house to go wash herself in the spring. As a result she and her people are taken away by the Rain and transformed into frogs.


1) This story is continued in Lloyd's book, vol.2, pp.3864-3881, 2) This story features notes and elaborations on Dia!kwain's (David Hoesar) narrative (for example p.2609v) by !kweiten ta ||ken who came to Mowbray in June 1874 and was Dia!kwain's sister (and ≠kasin's wife), 3) A note made on 24 October 1874 by Lloyd (told by !kweiten ta ||ken) tells of how old women order the maidens to remain in the house they have made for them (see p.2611v), 4) This story is found in Book XXVII


Dia!kwain (David Hoesar) (V)


19 July 1874 (started)


New maidens, The Rain and Rain's water


girl (about new maidens) , girl (the Rain carried away) , girl (of the First Bushmen) , girl (the new maiden) , girl (and the young man of the Early Race who was transfixed) , girl (and the Rain) , new maidens (about) , new maidens (and the Rain) , new maidens (the Rain carries away) , new maidens (care for) , new maidens (laughter of) , new maidens ('fix immoveable') , new maidens (transform people) , new maidens (seclusion of) , new maidens (customs relating to) , new maidens (teaching of) , new maidens (and older women) , new maidens (about) , new maidens (young girls) , new maidens ('Bushgirls') , new maidens (girls) , new maidens ('maid') , new maidens (becoming) , new maidens (maiden) , new maidens (and springs) , new maidens (doings of) , new maidens (actions of) , new maidens (behaviour of) , new maidens (harm others) , new maidens (prohibitions regarding) , new maidens (their acts of disobedience) , new maidens (looking at) , new maidens (look of) , new maidens (transfix) , new maidens (lie in the house) , new maidens (cause illness) , new maidens (and young men) , new maidens (and hunting-ground) , new maidens (treatment of) , new maidens (and the young man of the Early Race who was transfixed) , new maidens (and the new maiden of the Early Race who was changed into a frog by the angry Rain) , men (young) , men (and new maidens) , men (about new maidens) , young men (and about new maidens) , young men (the young man of the Early Race who played music) , young men (the musical instrument of the young man) , young men (the young man who was transfixed) , young men (the young man who become a stone) , young men (transformation of) , young men (can be 'fixed' or transfixed) , Early Race (the First Bushmen) , Early Race (Early Times) , Early Race (the Rain carried away the new maiden) , Early Race (and new maidens) , Early Race ('long ago') , Early Race (and the young man who was transfixed by the new maiden) , women (old women and new maidens) , women (about new maidens) , old women (about new maidens) , old women (order new maidens) , old women (teach new maidens) , old women (care for new maidens) , old women (as mothers) , old women (making of the house and) , old women (and new maidens) , house (of new maidens) , house (or hut for the seclusion of new maidens) , sickness (illness) , sickness (about new maidens and) , sickness (dropsy) , sickness (people become water) , the spring (about new maidens and) , the spring (new maiden washes in) , education (of new maidens by old women) , education (about new maidens) , teaching (see education) , seclusion (of new maidens in a hut) , seclusion (about new maidens) , hut (see house) , illness (about new maidens and) , illness (dropsy) , illness (people become water) , transformation (of new maiden of the Early Race into a frog) , transformation (of the young man of the Early Race into stone)

Story Pages


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