The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: Description of animals and their habits


Description of animals and their habits


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


A description of the appearance, habits and homes of various animals. Included are more lengthy narratives about the korhaan malkop (who sits on her eggs), the lion (who springs out of a bush and catches a man), and the leopard (or 'tiger') who sits in a tree and catches a man's head.


1) Notes on the verso pages of this contribution appear to be given by |a!kunta, 2) 'tiger' must refer to another beast of prey, 3) This story is found in Book II-1


||kabbo (Jantje) (II)


11 March – 29 May 1871 (given on or about)


Plants and animals


animals (names of) , animals (and 'Boers') , animals (Dutch names of) , animals (habits of) , animals (sleeping habits) , animals (description of) , animals (hunting of) , animals (eating of) , animals (which kill people) , animals (poisonous) , animals (game) , plants (eaten as food) , names (of animals) , names (of edible plants) , food (plants and animals eaten as)

Story Pages

200v, 202-209, 211-213

Page Images

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