The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: The Lion star and other stars


The Lion star and other stars


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


The (two) Lions, which was the name given to us (by our first informants) for the Pointers to the Southern Cross, were formerly men, and at the same time lions (LII.-1. 277 and 278).


1) Note on the inside of the back cover of this notebook: 'Finished correcting Sept 15/71 from Jantje Toorm himself', 2) p.282v: a note on things which are 'ander' ie: different (such as the Lions), 3) See also The Lion star and The two Lions: pointers to the Southern Cross, 4) This story is found in Book II-1


||kabbo (Jantje) (II)


19 June 1871 (started)


Celestial bodies and aeroscopy, Transformation


star (pointers to Southern Cross) , star (the Lion star) , star (and two Lions) , star (names of) , Lions (the two) , Lions (who are stars) , Lions (who were formerly men) , Lions (the Lion star) , Lions (and |gi and |ki) , Crow (his house) , Crow (and Lion star) , Crow (and two Lions) , transformation (of Lions, men and stars) , names (the two Lions) , names (of the Lion star) , names (of stars)

Story Pages

277-284, 278v-280v

Page Images

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