Story: Dorothea Bleek - Book BC151_A3_012
Dorothea Bleek - Book BC151_A3_012
Naron & !kun notebook, Vol. I. Words and sentences. Some descriptions of daily life including names and uses of artefacts and relations with others; personal histories.
1) Note opposite page 1: 'Notebook kept at Windhoek jail - Bushman prisoners (Kung and Hei ||kum)'; 2) p.1: 20th November 1920, ||namme (II), names of his relations; 3) p. 2 & 3 blank; 4) p.4 - 5v: !nanni from Me'ko, ||ka' ||ne from Pange [?] and their personal history, some comments by ||namme (II) on daily life of the !kun: clothing, shoes, food gathering, house building, eating, work done for and relations with Ovambo and Hereros, description of cultivating, herding in exchange for dogs and milk, boys' and girls' face scarrification, how boys and girls learn to hunt and gather veldkos, the making of bows and arrows and hunting, making biltong, cooking meat, assegais and their use, catching hares, Bushmen on the other side of Ovamboland who pierce their noses with sticks; 5) p.6: two Hei ||kum, Jakob or Diambaku [?] and Nepa - their personal history; 6) p.6v: about Tui ||kop a Hei ||kum Bushman - his personal history and details of common life; 7) p.7: ||kainus from Sandfontein and names of other Bushmen and their relations; 8) p.8-10: eleven Naron informants give personal details and history, place origins and names of relations; 9) p.12: Kaiyam's personal details and the relations of his people with Whites, Namaquas, Bechuana's; 10) p.13-15: ||namme (II) describes daily life and customs (mentions Stow) eg making and wearing of ornaments, stone and steel knives, vessels and pipes, buying and smoking of tobacco; 11) p.15-17 ||namme (II) continues describing artefacts and customs of the Hei ||ung [DB appears to be showing him Stow's pictures] eg. buchu, beads, ornaments, bracelets, trading, making of skin aprons, karosses, arrows, quivers, poison, 'they have never seen paintings', hunting ostriches, dancing, but 'have no musical instruments', musical instruments; 12) p.18: Hei ||un family and daily life: huts, work roles, marriage, leadership, fire-making, cooking and utensils; 13) p.19: ||namme (II); 14) p.20: Hei ||un women - their method of carrying children; 15) p.21-28: !kun/ Naron dictionary with English on verso pages; 16) p.29: ||namme (II) on daily life in his land, relations with the Ovambo and |nanne !kun, house building and trade; 17) p.33-48: continued description of daily life eg. making arrows, (drawings included), names of arrow parts, assegais, trade with Ovambos, huts and living arrangements, hunting and food sharing, collection of veldkos and carrying methods, digging, weaponry ('B's use no shield'), play, trade in pots and skins with the Ovambo, finding and cooking plants, bees and honey, insects, trading tusks with Whites and prices paid, making rafts, hunting and eating hippos, eating habits of Ovambos, felling a tree, catching fish; 18) p.44v: DB's list of names and addresses (eg. Mrs Lloyd); 19) p.50-52v: Ha ta'ris, a Hei ||um woman from Grootfontein, history and daily life of her and her people, food, work, leadership, the village, includes encoutners with Hereros, Englishmen, Boers and Ovambo.
||namme (II), Ha taris, Tui ||kop, ||kainus, Kaiyam
Words and sentences, History (personal), Custom and daily life
Story Pages