The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: The Mantis, the Ichneumon and |kammanga go to Lion's house


The Mantis, the Ichneumon and |kammanga go to Lion's house


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


The Ichneumon, |kaggen (the Mantis) and |kwammana go to the Lion's house. |kaggen is afraid and hides in a bag. He frightens a little Lion who looks into the bag and the mother Lion grows angry with |kaggen. The Ichneumon throws |kaggen into the sky and he flies away calling for the Hartebeest children to follow him. He tells his wife and the Porcupine that the Lion has killed |kwammana and the Ichneumon, but the Ichneumon and |kwammana come home carrying meat. Another myth, running out of one of the versions of the myth of the Eland, is the account of a visit which !kwammana and the Ichneumon pay to the Lion’s house, and on which the Mantis accompanies them, but behaves, of course, in a mode appropriate to his mythological character, whereby he incurs the wrath of the mother–lioness, and has to take flight. On his return home, he alarms his wife and adopted daughter by false reports of the death of his two companions, who, however, soon appear upon the scene, alive and hearty, laden with presents of quagga’s flesh (L II.-4. 519-529, II.–5. 530-546).


1) Date on p.528: 28 September; p.536: 28 September; p.541: 29 September, 2) |kwammana is spelt in various ways, such as '|kwamman-a' and '|kammanga', 3) This story is found in Books II-4 and II-5


||kabbo (Jantje) (II)


September 1871


|kaggen (the Mantis)


Lion (and |kaggen) , Lion (little) , Lion (mother) , Lion (his house) , Lion (|kaggen, Ichneumon and |kwammana go to his house) , |kwammana (|kammanga) , |kwammana (!kwammana) , |kwammana (and |kaggen and Ichneumon go to Lion's house) , |kwammana (|kaggen hides in his bag) , |kwammana (and |kaggen) , |kwammana (and Lion) , Ichneumon (and |kaggen) , Ichneumon (and |kaggen and |kwammana go to Lion's house) , meat (quagga flesh) , meat (and |kaggen, Ichneumon and |kwammana go to Lion's house) , |kaggen (hides in bag) , |kaggen (his things or 'hartebeest children') , |kaggen (calls for his things) , |kaggen (gets feathers) , |kaggen (and Ichneumon and |kwammana go to Lion's house) , house (|kaggen, Ichneumon and |kwammana go to Lion's) , things (|kaggen's) , things ('hartebeest children') , things (|kaggen, the Ichneumon and |kammanga go to Lion's house) , Hartebeest children (|kaggen's things) , Hartebeest children (|kaggen, the Ichneumon and |kammanga go to Lion's house) , feathers (|kaggen gets) , feathers (|kaggen, the Ichneumon and |kammanga go to Lion's house)

Story Pages

519-529, 530-546

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