The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: The Ichneumon rebukes the Mantis for his ill deeds


The Ichneumon rebukes the Mantis for his ill deeds


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


The Ichneumon rebukes |kaggen (the Mantis) for fighting every time he meets someone, and for being foolish – his wife waits hungry for him at home while he is out fighting. His bow does not shoot and his ears do not hear. He lies and argues and gets beaten because he fights badly. Most of the above-mentioned follies and ill-deeds of the Mantis are animadverted upon in a long rebuke, addressed to him by his grandson the Ichneumon (L II.-9. 976-996). The Ichneumon then proceeds to comment upon some other doings of the Mantis, who – wanting to roast the little 'Löffelhund' (Proteles) – is himself roasted by its incensed mother; and, escaping, dips his singed wings into the water, and comes forth a renovated Mantis. (L II.-9. 997-1002, 10. 1003-1051)


1) Date on p.982: 30 November; p.990: 2 December, 2) p.981v: the Ichneumon rebukes |kaggen for various things; Dutch words and phrases, 2) p.984v: a note by |a!kunta on sleep, 3) p.991v: '(Dec. 2 /71. J.T [||kabbo] counted ten correctly, without help, for the 1st time.)', 6) p.991v: how to say numbers of men, women and children and their genders in |xam, 7) See also Lion eats all things and The Mantis pretends he has left one of his veldschoens behind and becomes a Lion, 8) This story is found in Book II-9


||kabbo (Jantje) (II)


November – December 1871


|kaggen (the Mantis)


|kaggen (the Mantis) , |kaggen (his ill deeds) , |kaggen (his bow does not shoot) , |kaggen (is rebuked by Ichneumon) , |kaggen (is foolish) , |kaggen (fights others) , |kaggen (his treatment of his family) , Ichneumon (|ni) , Ichneumon (rebukes |kaggen) , Ichneumon (advises |kaggen) , grown-up person (the behaviour of) , grown-up person (one who understands) , grown-up person (and Ichneumon's rebuke) , fights (|kaggen's ill deeds) , fights (Ichneumon rebukes |kaggen) , rebuke (Ichneumon's of |kaggen for his ill deeds) , bow (|kaggen's does not shoot) , bow (Ichneumon rebukes |kaggen)

Story Pages


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