Story: The story of the old man who makes rain
The story of the old man who makes rain
The Rain-maker is asked to milk a nice female Rain which is gentle, the rain-clouds being her hair (L II.-24. 2213-2226, 25. 2227-2263). The verso pages of the account contain further notes as to the actions of the rain and the rainmaker, as well as mentioning the rain's legs (or rain-water) and ribs (or rain-clouds) and how the rainmaker rides the rain-cow.
1) Note on the inside of the front cover (Book II-24) that parts of the story were translated in 1913 & 1914, 2) Note on the inside of the front cover (Book II-25) that some parts of the story were translated in 1899, 3) Date on p.2227: 2 December; p.2258: 11 December, 4) Note on contents page (Book II-25): '||kabbo read over with LL [Lucy Lloyd] in Oct '73 and said story was finished', 5) p.2231v: a note that what |han≠kass'o (Klein Jantje) says in January 1878 is a little different to ||kabbo's words, 6) p.2239v: the name of the high mountain (kamm xhara ka !kau) at Wittberg where rain is made; it isn't in Bushmanland and '... Jantje has not seen it, but Stoffel has - Kafirs live at the water near it.', 7) p.2254v: ||kabbo's mother told him that the rain-man broke one of the rain's ribs and threw the pieces to different places; the ribs were a 'long dark thick cloud', 8) p.2257v: the name for autumn, which occurs at the end of February and the beginning of March in Bushmanland, 9) p.2261v: a note by ||kabbo on the colour of springbok hair at different times, 10) See also Rainmaking: another story of it, 12) This story is found in Books II-24 and II-25
29 November – December 1872
rainmaker (the old man who makes rain) , rainmaker (rain-man) , rainmaker (and rain) , rainmaker (breaks rain's ribs) , rainmaker (rides rain) , rainmaker (the doings of) , rainmaker (the rituals performed by) , rainmaker (cuts out rain's blood) , rainmaker (cuts or makes rain) , rainmaker (makes a female rain which is desirable) , rainmaker (milks she-rain) , rainmaker (his anger with people) , rainmaker (a rain 'medicine man') , rainmaker (speaks so rain may fall) , rain (story of the old man who makes) , rain (the people fear an angry rain) , rain (its body parts) , rain (and rainmaking) , rain (is ridden by rainmaker) , rain (the rain-cow and bull) , rain (and hunting ostriches and springbok) , rain (the rain's liquid) , rain (the rain's great skin, ribs, legs, hair, blood, milk, breath) , rain (the clouds are its hair) , rain (the mother-rain) , rain (the rain's wind) , rain (and mountains) , rain (and water–pits) , rain (and mist) , rain (its breath) , rain (the wind of female rain) , rain (the properties of female rain) , rain (the properties of male rain which is undesirable) , rain (that kills and causes loss of homes) , rain (and the rainmaker) , rain (and drought) , rain (rain-clouds) , rain (its shadow or shade is feared) , rain (male rain walks in dust on ground) , rain (and Brinkkop) , rain (and death) , rain (the rain-bull) , rain (male) , rain (female) , rain (qualities of) , rain (types of) , rain (and wind) , rain (and plants and trees) , rain ('killing' rain) , rain (rain's shade) , rain (and the |xam) , rain (cools earth) , rain (the people ask for) , rain (brings springbok) , rain ('Rain's person') , water (the people travel to) , water (and rainfall) , springbok (and time of year) , springbok (hunting of and rain) , springbok (and seasons) , springbok (drink rain's blood and milk) , springbok (and female rain) , springbok (and Rainmaker) , springbok (rain brings) , wind (of male and female rain) , wind (and the |xam) , fire (disperses rain) , fire (angers rainmaker) , fire (and an angry rain) , river (Har River) , river (and rain) , river (name of) , mountains (Brinkkop) , mountains (and place of rainmaking) , rain-clouds (are rain's legs and hair) , name (the Har river) , name (the mountain called Brinkkop) , name (of a place where rain is made) , name (and the story of the old man who makes rain) , death (story of the old man who makes rain) , death (and 'killing' rain) , hunting (in the story of the old man who makes rain) , hunting (and rain) , hunting (of springbok and ostriches follows rain) , cow (rain-cow) , cow (ridden by the rainmaker) , cow (the old man who makes rain) , bull (rain-bull) , bull (ridden by the rainmaker) , bull (the old man who makes rain)
Story Pages
2213-2226, 2227-2263