The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: Ssho |oa or ||karruken-||karruken or |u ssho a


Ssho |oa or ||karruken-||karruken or |u ssho a


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


Shó-|õä, a Bushman vegetable medicine, used also as a charm (L II.-36. 3242-3261). How one man fights with another, having previously rubbed his own hands with Shó-|õä; and how he afterwards restores the man with whom he fought, by means of a fresh application of Shó-|õä (L II.-36. 3262-3268). A detailed description of the properties and applications of Ssho |oa, including its medicinal uses, its use as a preparation for hunting and as a charm for hunting springbok.


1) Inserts on the inside of the front cover of Book II-36: notes concerning animals and the making of bowstrings from the sinews of buck; a note on the heart falling down when a man is ill or when he is startled awake from sleep; what |kaggen does when an eland has been shot; see What |kaggen does when an eland has been shot, 2) Note on the inside of the cover of Book II-36: pp.3242-3332 were translated in September 1873, but Lloyd 'Began to enter from p.3261 Aug. 1st 1911.', 3) Date on p.3262: 20 September, 4) pp.3244v & 3245v: see How Korannas and the |xam cut themselves in order to shoot well, 5) p.3246v: although the story refers to coal being rubbed into cuts, it is actually burnt wood in powdered form, 6) p.3250v: a man aimed at and missed a springbok because he left his band at the house: he has to cut his arm so that the arrow will fly well and make the right (tearing) noise, 7) p.3251v: if the arrow flies badly it makes a whistling and hissing noise; the hunter draws the Ssho |oa in a line down the centre of his forehead, down his nose and across the right nostril to the middle of his right cheek, 8) p.3255v: the 'dust's fear': what the springbok feel when running closely together in the dust, 9) p.3258v: hunters head off the springbok, 10) p.3261v: a word for help and what ||kabbo calls 'white man's talk' for the same thing, 11) p.3263v: the overcome man's eyes have rolled back in his head (go behind themselves); the fighter has rubbed his underarms with Ssho |oa before fighting and then rubbed the other's face; 12) p.3264v: the perspiration and the Ssho |oa mix under his arms and smell together; the fighter revives his afflicted opponent and gives the man the piece of Ssho |oa he has doctored him with, 13) See also About Ssho |oa: where to be found and An ignorant man digs up Ssho |oa and the consequences of his actions and How women fear the new Ssho |oa which has just been brought home and The consequences of a woman's smelling fresh Ssho |oa scent and What the man does and says to the new Ssho |oa so that it may know him, 14) This story is found in Book II-36


||kabbo (Jantje) (II)


6 – 21 September 1873


Custom and daily life, Healing and ailing


Ssho |oa (Sho-|oa) , Ssho |oa (or ||karruken-||karruken or |u ssho a) , Ssho |oa (a medicinal plant) , Ssho |oa (its curative powers) , Ssho |oa (and healing) , Ssho |oa (a band of) , Ssho |oa (as a preparation for hunting) , Ssho |oa (as a charm for hunting) , Ssho |oa (as a charm for springbok) , Ssho |oa (the effects of) , Ssho |oa (and death) , Ssho |oa (revives and restores) , Ssho |oa (the different properties and uses for) , Ssho |oa (and fighting between people) , Ssho |oa (burnt wood) , Ssho |oa (is rubbed into cuts and wounds) , Ssho |oa (the burning of) , Ssho |oa (different names for) , Ssho |oa (names for used by different peoples) , Ssho |oa (the location of) , Ssho |oa (the collecting and preparation of) , Ssho |oa (the bag used for) , Ssho |oa (rubbing body with, as salve) , Ssho |oa (medicinal uses of) , Ssho |oa (and cutting of flesh) , Ssho |oa (the appearance of) , Ssho |oa (digging for) , scarification (and cutting) , scarification (and hunting) , scarification (process of) , scarification (methods of) , scarification (and Ssho |oa) , scarification (the cut's wounds) , hunting (and Ssho |oa) , hunting (rituals that ensure its success) , hunting (charms for) , hunting (and arrows) , hunting (of springbok) , hunting (methods of) , hunting (and wind) , hunting (and cutting) , fight (using Ssho |oa during and after) , fight (and exchange of poison arrows) , fight (reconciliation after) , death (the falling of the heart) , death (and Ssho |oa) , healing (and Ssho |oa) , healing (Ssho |oa's curative powers) , healing (Ssho |oa is rubbed into cuts and wounds) , healing (Ssho |oa revives and restores) , healing (rubbing body with Ssho |oa, as salve) , plants (Ssho |oa) , plants (medicinal) , plants (names of used by different peoples) , arrows (an exchange of poison) , arrows (and Ssho |oa) , digging (for Ssho |oa) , heart (falls at death) , heart (and Ssho |oa) , wind (and hunting) , wind (and Ssho |oa) , cutting (and Ssho |oa) , cutting (rituals that ensure successful hunting) , names (used by different peoples for Ssho |oa) , names (different, for Ssho |oa) , bag (used for Ssho |oa) , charm (for hunting springbok) , charm (and Ssho |oa)

Story Pages


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