The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: Medicines taken by the ill


Medicines taken by the ill


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


Different Bushman Medicines; where found; and their uses. Only the names of these medicines are given in Bushman, and the remarks respecting them in English, after ≠kásin (L IV.-1. 3425-3440). These specimens were found in the hut of a Bushman sorcerer, and were kindly furnished for identification by Mr. J Gibb. //kábbo’s names for the same specimens, with his remarks (in English only), are in a separate paper of 7 folio pages, to which ≠kásin’s notes have been also briefly added, in red ink. A series of numbered entries describing the making of preparations from, as well as the use and collection of, various plants and insects for the treatment of a variety of ailments by the |xam.


1) Insert pasted inside the front cover of Book IV-1: a note to ask the informants whether 'Hottentots' (from ≠kasin) do agricultural work and use a digging stick or whether (from ||kabbo) the |xam may hunt on each other's land; also an insert dictated by ||kabbo on the collecting of a grub by 'Grass Bushmen', which is then made into something called |kai ka !gaoken, probably a poison or medicine to be used with caution, 2) See also the insert pasted inside the back cover of Book IV concerning various medicinal plants – their names, their uses and where they are found, 3) Date on p.3439: 4 November, 4) p.3437v: possibly the name of a river or stream near ≠kasin's place (!kuirri) where a certain plant grows, 5) This story is found in Book IV-1


≠kasin (Klaas Katkop) (IV), ||kabbo (Jantje) (II)


3 – 4 November 1873


Custom and daily life, Healing and ailing, Plants and animals


plants (medicinal) , plants (names of) , medicinal plants ('working' them) , medicinal plants (found at ≠kasin's place) , medicinal plants (where they are found) , medicinal plants (the digging for and collection of) , medicinal plants (the names of in Dutch and |xam) , medicinal plants (a description of) , medicinal plants (different uses for) , medicinal plants (and healing) , healing (medicinal plants used in) , healing (methods of) , place (≠kasin's) , place (the medicinal plants found there) , place (insects found there) , medicine (used by |xam) , medicine (taken externally or internally) , medicine (making of, and time of day) , medicine (making of, and gender) , medicine (the preparation of) , medicine (the vessels used for preparation of) , medicine (plants used as) , medicine (insects used as) , women (and making medicine) , men (and making medicine) , work (women's and men's) , work (prohibitions regarding) , insects (and healing) , insects (used in making of medicine) , insects (found at ≠kasin's place) , ≠kasin (medicinal plants found at his place) , vessels (used for preparation of of medicines) , illness (and the medicines taken by the |xam) , illness (and the making of medicines) , illness (and the medicinal plants found at ≠kasin's place) , names (of medicinal plants) , names (of plants found at ≠kasin's place) , names (of an insects used in making of medicine)

Story Pages


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