The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: How the Ichneumon discovered what the Mantis did with the honey (a second 'right' version)


How the Ichneumon discovered what the Mantis did with the honey (a second 'right' version)


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


A second 'right' version (or elaboration) of How the Ichneumon discovered what the Mantis did with the honey,which Dia!kwain tells to Lloyd when going over the first version in February 1874. It appears he experienced difficulty with his first dictation. In this version the Ichneumon is advised by his brothers, after the first time he goes with |kaggen (the Mantis), to keep a splinter or a small stone knife in his mouth so that when |kaggen puts him in the sack he will be able to cut a hole to spy out of it and see from. The Ichneumon does this and then shows his brothers where to find the eland and they kill it.


1) See also How the Ichneumon discovered what the Mantis did with the honey and The Ichneumon's speech when the Mantis had taken away the Meerkats' possessions and The |kaggen who took |kammanga's shoe, and turned it into an eland, 2) This story is found in Book V-1


Dia!kwain (David Hoesar) (V)


6 January 1874


|kaggen (the Mantis)


|kaggen (the Mantis) , |kaggen (and his pet eland) , |kaggen (another version of what he did with honey) , |kaggen (feeds eland honey) , Ichneumon (spies on |kaggen) , Ichneumon (leads his brothers to eland) , Ichneumon (kills eland) , Ichneumon (cuts a hole in |kaggen's sack) , Ichneumon (and another version of what |kaggen did with honey) , eland (which is |kaggen's pet) , eland (|kaggen feeds it honey) , eland (is killed by the brothers) , eland (and another version of what |kaggen did with honey) , honey (|kaggen feeds it to his pet eland) , honey (and another version of what |kaggen did with honey) , pet (|kaggen's eland) , pet (and another version of what |kaggen did with honey)

Story Pages


Page Images

Image File: A2_1_46_03613.JPG

Book: BC_151_A2_1_046