The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: Names of !kweiten ta ||ken's relations


Names of !kweiten ta ||ken's relations


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


A list of Dutch and |xam names of some of !kweiten ta ||ken's relations and their places. A good many genealogical notes and portions of Bushman family history have been taken down (B II. 349, 359 rev., 360-362, 364, 365 368-373, 376; BXXV. 2352, 2412 and 2416; L III.-1. 476-506; L IV.-1. 3452 and 3453; L VI.-1. 3895 and 3896). From some of these materials, and from other sources, twelve genealogical diagrams (in oblong double folio) have been compiled, each giving all the known ancestors of one individual, frequently extending four, and sometimes five generations back.


1) The page numbers in this book (VI-1) are duplicates of those in notebook IV-4, 2) p.3894v: the name of a plant eaten by ostriches, 3) This story is found in Book VI-1


!kweiten ta ||ken (Rachel) (VI)


December 1874


History (personal)


!kweiten ta ||ken (Rachel) , !kweiten ta ||ken (her personal history) , !kweiten ta ||ken (her family's place) , !kweiten ta ||ken (her genealogy) , !kweiten ta ||ken (about her relations and their places) , !kweiten ta ||ken (the names of her relations) , names (of !kweiten ta ||ken's relations) , names (of places) , names (|xam and Dutch names) , place (!kweiten ta ||ken's father's) , place (the Steinpits) , place (and the names of !kweiten ta ||ken's relations) , personal history (!kweiten ta ||ken's) , personal history (the names of !kweiten ta ||ken's relations)

Story Pages


Page Images

Image File: A2_1_50_03895.JPG

Book: BC_151_A2_1_050

Image File: A2_1_50_03896.JPG

Book: BC_151_A2_1_050