The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: The Lion's story


The Lion's story


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


… the account of a man who, wishing to escape from a lion, cut off his sore leg, and ran successfully away upon the sound one. It was told by !kwéiten ta ||kên (L VI.-1. 3959-3969). This is a story of the Early Race (or !khwe |na ss'e !k'e).


1) The page numbers in this book (VI-1) are duplicates of those in notebook IV-4, 2) p.3958v: this story was told to !kweiten ta ||ken by her mother (≠kamme-an), 3) This story is found in Book VI-1


!kweiten ta ||ken (Rachel) (VI)


22 December 1874 (started)


History (Early Race)


Early Race (the Lion's story) , Early Race (the First Bushmen, or !khwe |na ss'e !k'e) , Early Race (and man with sore thigh) , Lion (its story) , Lion (that chases man of Early Race) , Lion (the man's escape from) , Lion (|kantsi thorns pierce its feet) , thorn (|kantsi) , thorn (thrown down by the First Bushman man, pierce the Lion's feet) , thorn (and Lion's story) , thigh (the man cuts it off) , thigh (and Lion's story) , name (a thorn, |kantsi) , name (the First Bushmen or !khwe |na ss'e !k'e)

Story Pages


Page Images

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