The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: About maidens and how they adorn young men with ||ka or 'rooi klip'


About maidens and how they adorn young men with ||ka or 'rooi klip'


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


What a Maiden must eat and avoid (L II.-28. 2520-2524). How a New Maiden is treated, has been told in the Katkop dialect, by !kwéiten ta //ken (L VI.-2. 3997-4003); who also narrates the use made by Bushman Maidens of a kind of red stone (L VI.-1. 3970-3974). Maidens use ||ka or rooi klip (or red haematite) to adorn the springs and the young men.


1) The page numbers in this book (VI-1) are duplicates of those in notebook IV-4, 2) See also The Water's story: more about how maidens adorn young men, 3) This story is found in Book VI-1


!kweiten ta ||ken (Rachel) (VI)


24 December 1874


New maidens, The Rain and Rain's water, Custom and daily life


||ka (or 'rooi klip') , ||ka (is painted in zebra stripes) , ||ka (and water–springs) , ||ka (and painting of men's backs, women's cheeks and karosses) , ||ka (maidens adorn springs with) , ||ka (or `rooi klip') , ||ka (and maidens) , ||ka (and protection against rain) , adornment (painting with ||ka or 'rooi klip') , adornment (of men's backs, women's cheeks and karosses) , adornment (of young men by maidens) , adornment (and protection against rain) , maidens (paint and adorn with ||ka or 'rooi klip') , maidens (the 'Bushgirl') , maidens (adorn springs) , maidens (protect young men from rain) , maidens (the actions of) , springs (are adorned with ||ka or 'rooi klip' by maidens) , springs (and actions of maidens) , springs (must lie quietly) , springs (are prevented from drying) , springs (and becoming a maiden) , springs (water–springs) , water–springs (are adorned with ||ka or 'rooi klip' by maidens) , water–springs (and actions of maidens) , water–springs (must lie quietly) , water–springs (are prevented from drying) , water–springs (and becoming a maiden) , stone (red haematite) , stone (||ka or 'rooi klip') , stone (used by maidens to adorn the springs and the young men) , name (of red haematite used by maidens to adorn young men) , rain (and adornment and painting with ||ka or 'rooi klip') , rain (protection from) , rain (and actions of maidens) , rain (its lightning kills) , rain (and young men) , rain (and water–springs) , kaross (and protection from rain) , kaross (is painted with ||ka or 'rooi klip' by maidens) , lightning (kills young men on hunting-ground) , lightning (and rain) , lightning (protection from) , lightning (and actions of maidens) , lightning (and painting and adornment with ||ka or 'rooi klip') , painting (adornment) , painting (of men's backs, women's cheeks and karosses) , painting (as protection from rain) , painting (patterns) , painting (with ||ka or 'rooi klip') , painting (by maidens) , painting (of zebra–striped patterns) , young men (maidens adorn them as protection from the rain) , young men (are painted with ||ka or 'rooiklip') , young men (their backs are painted in zebra stripes) , hunting ground (how maidens adorn young men with ||ka or 'rooi klip') , hunting ground (protection of young men from rain and lightning on)

Story Pages


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