The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: Story of |kua ka khumm


Story of |kua ka khumm


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


... a cunning woman of this [Early] race, who lived alone in a house underground, deceived and robbed /kwámmana [in this story he is called |kua ka khumm]. This was told in the Katkop dialect by !kwéiten ta //kën (L VI.-2. 4034-4053). An old woman asks |kua ka khumm to build her a shelter, even though she already has one under the ground. She takes his things and disappears into her house.


1) Lloyd took down this story twice as she did not understand it properly the first time she took it down (see p.4042v); the two versions are included together here, 2) p.4033v: the location of the old woman's house in the pan; the story was told to !kweiten ta ||ken by her mother (≠kamme-an); Dia!kwain says that |kua is short for |kwammana, 3) p.4036v: |kua's things come of their own accord when he summons them, 4) This story is found in Book VI-2


!kweiten ta ||ken (Rachel) (VI)


6 January 1875 (started)


History (Early Race), |kaggen (the Mantis)


old woman (of Early Race) , old woman (who lives on a pan) , old woman (her house) , old woman (is cunning) , old woman (and |kua ka khumm) , shelter (the making of) , shelter (a house of bushes) , shelter (for old woman on pan) , shelter (and |kua ka khumm's story) , |kua ka khumm (or |kwammana) , |kua ka khumm (does not understand) , |kua ka khumm (is foolish) , |kua ka khumm (is advised) , |kua ka khumm (commands his things) , |kua ka khumm (the old woman takes his things) , |kua ka khumm (his story) , |kua ka khumm (and old woman who lives on a pan) , |kua ka khumm (calls for his things) , |kua ka khumm (is deceived by old woman) , Early Race (the story of |kua ka khumm) , Early Race (the First Bushmen or !khwe |na ss'e !k'e) , house (or shelter) , house (making of) , house (of the old woman who lived on a pan) , house (and |kua ka khumm's story) , |kwammana (called |kua ka khumm) , |kwammana (and |kua ka khumm's story) , |kwammana (is deceived by the old woman who lives on a pan) , |kwammana (another name for) , name (another for |kwammana) , name (|kwammana called |kua ka khumm)

Story Pages


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