The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: What the man did to his wife when she was pregnant


What the man did to his wife when she was pregnant


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


... A man cut his wife open, because he believed that she had been greedy, and then discovering, with great distress, that she was with child, tries in vain to repair the harm he had done, by pinning her together with a stick, thinking that she would live (L VI.-2. 4064-4070).


1) The final three pages of this story are stitched together and added on at the end of Book VI-2, 2) p.4063v: this story was told to !kweiten ta ||ken by her mother (≠kamme-an), 3) This story is found in Book VI-2


!kweiten ta ||ken (Rachel) (VI)


12 January 1875


History (Early Race)


wife (pregnant) , wife (her foolish husband believes her to be greedy) , wife (is cut open by her foolish husband) , wife (digs for and eats !kui-ssi roots) , husband (who is foolish) , husband (who cuts open his pregnant wife) , husband (tries to heal his wife with a sharpened stick) , husband (was not instructed properly) , education (the foolish man who was not instructed properly) , education (and what the man did to his wife when she was pregnant) , education (the foolishness of the man of the Early Race who cut open his wife) , pregnant (what the man did to his wife when she was pregnant) , pregnant (and the wife cut open by her foolish husband who believes her to be greedy) , food (eaten by the |xam) , food (!kui-ssi roots) , food (and what the man did to his wife when she was pregnant) , healing (the man who cut his wife open tries to sew her up using a stick) , healing (and what the man did to his wife when she was pregnant) , instruction (see education)

Story Pages


Page Images

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Book: BC_151_A2_1_051