The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: The reasons for the colours of the gemsbok, the hartebeest, the eland, the quagga, and the springbok


The reasons for the colours of the gemsbok, the hartebeest, the eland, the quagga, and the springbok


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


To this myth [Mantis and the eland, piercing of the bladder] belongs also the account of the reasons for the colours of the gemsbok, hartebeest, eland, quagga, and springbok, given in the Katkop dialect by Día!kwãin (L V.-3. 4071-4074). |kaggen (the Mantis) feeds them various foods taken from and made by different kinds of bees.


1) p.4071opp: This story was told to Dia!kwain by his mother (≠kammi-an), 2) p.4071v: the name of the chameleon and the bee in Dutch and |xam; the food made by bees is eaten by the eland, 3) p.4072v: the name (≠kau a-ken) of the food made by small bees and eaten by the Quagga, 4) p.4073v: the ||ki or little bees are chewed up still in their cells and the liquid of both is squeezed out and eaten by the Springbok of the story, 5) See also How the Ichneumon discovered what the Mantis did with the honey, 6) This story is found in Book V-3


Dia!kwain (David Hoesar) (V)


13 January 1875


|kaggen (the Mantis)


gemsbok (the reasons for its colour) , gemsbok (formerly ate honey) , gemsbok (and |kaggen) , |kaggen (the Mantis) , |kaggen (and bees and their honey) , |kaggen (and reasons for colours of various animals) , |kaggen (feeds springbok, gemsbok, hartebeest, eland and quagga) , hartebeest (the reasons for its colour) , hartebeest (formerly ate honey) , hartebeest (and |kaggen) , eland (the reasons for its colour) , eland (formerly ate honey) , eland (and |kaggen) , quagga (the reasons for its colour) , quagga (and |kaggen) , quagga (formerly ate ≠kau a-ken) , bees (and reasons for colour of various animals) , bees (make honey) , bees (the food they make) , bees (and |kaggen) , springbok (the reasons for its colour) , springbok (and |kaggen) , springbok (formerly ate ||ki) , food (eaten by the gemsbok, the hartebeest, the eland, the quagga, and the springbok) , food (and the reasons for the colours of the gemsbok, the hartebeest, the eland, the quagga, and the springbok) , food (honey) , food (≠kau a-ken) , food (||ki) , food (|xam names of that fed to animals by |kaggen) , names (of foodstuffs fed to animals by |kaggen) , names (and the reasons for the colours of the gemsbok, the hartebeest, the eland, the quagga, and the springbok) , colour (the reasons for the colours of the gemsbok, the hartebeest, the eland, the quagga, and the springbok)

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