The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: The hartebeest and the eland belong to the Mantis


The hartebeest and the eland belong to the Mantis


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


An account of the magic protection afforded by the Mantis to the Hartebeest and to the Eland (that to the latter being chiefly described here), dictated, in the Katkop dialect, by Día!kwãin (L V.-6. 4411-4434). If a man has shot an eland he must perform certain actions to ensure that |kaggen (the Mantis) doesn't come to them or that the eland doesn't get up and run off.


1) This story was told to Dia!kwain by his mother (≠kamme-an), 2) Date on p.4417: 19 March; p.4430: 22 March, 3) pp.4410v-4413v: see Parents instruct children how to get food, 4) p.4414v: see The hartebeest resembles the Mantis, 5) pp.4415v-4418v: More about the hartebeest and A mother's prohibitions with regard to the hartebeest and her child, 6) See also Doings of the Mantis when the eland has been wounded and The Mantis turned into a hartebeest, 7) This story is found in Book V-6


Dia!kwain (David Hoesar) (V)


March 1875


|kaggen (the Mantis), Custom and daily life


|kaggen (the Mantis) , |kaggen (hartebeest and eland belong to him) , |kaggen (pinches the hunter) , |kaggen (his magic protection for his things) , |kaggen (examines the quiver) , |kaggen (does not allow the hunter to sleep) , |kaggen (his treatment of the man who shot the eland) , |kaggen (and the game) , |kaggen (his things) , |kaggen (the eland and the hartebeest are his things) , |kaggen (protects the eland and the hartebeest) , |kaggen (and the magic powers of the game) , |kaggen (follows the hunter who killed the eland) , |kaggen (wants the eland to live) , |kaggen (sits between the eland's horns) , |kaggen (goes about with the hartebeest) , eland (and hartebeest belong to |kaggen) , eland (|kaggen wants it to live) , eland (is protected by |kaggen) , eland (recovers from its wounds) , eland (respect for) , eland (hunting of) , eland (urination on) , eland (has magic power) , eland (is |kaggen's thing) , eland (|kaggen sits between its horns) , eland (the actions performed by the hunter of) , hunting (hartebeest and eland belong to |kaggen) , hunting (rituals) , hunting (customs) , hunting (teachings about) , hunting (and the shooting of eland and hartebeest) , hunting (of |kaggen's things) , hunting (of magic game) , hunting (how |kaggen protects his things) , hartebeest (and eland belong to |kaggen) , hartebeest (has magic powers) , hartebeest (is |kaggen's thing) , hartebeest (|kaggen goes about with) , hartebeest (hunting of) , hartebeest (the actions performed by the hunter of) , magic power (of some game) , magic power (of |kaggen's things) , magic protection (of |kaggen for eland and hartebeest) , man (who shoots an eland) , man (the actions he must perform) , man (must pass water on the eland) , man (must imitate the eland) , man (must walk as if ill) , man (must not smell food) , man (and the actions of |kaggen)

Story Pages


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