The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: A great Bushman doctress and sorceress Ttanno !khauken who did not understand Dutch


A great Bushman doctress and sorceress Ttanno !khauken who did not understand Dutch


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


More about the great sorceress Ttanno !kauken who did not understand Dutch: the parents taught the children to respect the great sorceress in many ways.


1) See also The Bushman doctress and sorceress Ttanno !khauken, 2) This story is found in Book V-10


Dia!kwain (David Hoesar) (V)


28 May 1875 (started)


Custom and daily life, Healing and ailing, History (personal)


Ttanno !khauken (a great Bushman doctress and sorceress who did not understand Dutch) , Ttanno !khauken (the speaking and calling of her name) , Ttanno !khauken (walked while people slept, at night) , Ttanno !khauken (her work and actions) , Ttanno !khauken (the springbok enchantress) , Ttanno !khauken (the people knew her) , Ttanno !khauken ('had no Dutch') , Ttanno !khauken (the great sorceress) , Ttanno !khauken (her relations) , Ttanno !khauken (was Dia!kwain's aunt) , Ttanno !khauken (her place) , Ttanno !khauken (the people feared her) , Ttanno !khauken (children did not play with her name) , Ttanno !khauken (did no harm) , Ttanno !khauken (knew things) , Ttanno !khauken ('had her nose') , Ttanno !khauken (her personal history) , sorceress (Ttanno !khauken) , sorceress (is a 'great person') , sorceress (is a springbok enchantress) , sorceress (is a wise woman) , sorceress (saying her name) , sorceress (is an old woman) , sorceress (is a doctoress) , sorceress (is a healer) , sorcerers (the great Bushman doctress and sorceress Ttanno !khauken) , sorcerers (healers) , sorcerers (prohibitions regarding speaking their names) , sorcerers (the treatment of) , sorcerers (people's fear of) , sorcerers (the work and actions of) , sorcerers (respecting them) , teaching (children not to play with Ttanno !khauken's name) , teaching (about respecting sorcerers) , children (taught not to play with a sorcerer's name) , children (taught to respect sorcerers) , personal history (of Dia!kwain's aunt the sorceress Ttanno !khauken) , personal history (of Dia!kwain and his relations) , healer (the great Bushman doctress and sorceress Ttanno !khauken) , language (|xam who speak and don't speak Dutch) , language (the great Bushman doctress and sorceress Ttanno !khauken who did not understand Dutch) , understanding (of the Dutch language) , understanding (the great Bushman doctress and sorceress Ttanno !khauken who did not understand Dutch) , understanding (and teaching respect for sorcerers) , Dutch (the great Bushman doctress and sorceress Ttanno !khauken who did not understand Dutch) , Dutch (|xam who speak and don't speak it) , education (children not to play with Ttanno !khauken's name) , education (about respecting sorcerers) , education (and the great Bushman doctress and sorceress Ttanno !khauken) , name (calling of Ttanno !khauken's) , name (calling the names of sorcerers) , name (children taught not to play with a sorcerer's name) , name (and respecting sorcerers) , name (children not to play with Ttanno !khauken's name) , respect (children taught not to play with a sorcerer's name) , respect (for sorcerers) , respect (children not to play with Ttanno !khauken's name) , respect (|xam fear sorcerers) , springbok (enchantress) , springbok (and the great Bushman doctress and sorceress Ttanno !khauken) , place (of the great Bushman doctress and sorceress Ttanno !khauken) , nose (the great Bushman doctress and sorceress Ttanno !khauken had hers)

Story Pages

4707 opp-4710v, 4712v, 4714v

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