The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: The making of a needle from a springbok's foreleg


The making of a needle from a springbok's foreleg


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


Flat Bushmen' make a needle for sewing from the foreleg bone of a springbok; what the bone (|kao) and the needle (≠oro) are called. The bones of all things are each named.


1) This story is found in Book V-10


Dia!kwain (David Hoesar) (V)


June 1875


Artefact and dress, Custom and daily life


needles (used by the |xam) , needles (European) , needles (the making of) , needles (made from a springbok's foreleg-bone) , sewing (and the making of a needle from a springbok's foreleg) , sewing (by Flat Bushmen) , sewing (the name of the 'Bushman needle') , sewing (the making of needles) , sewing (with a European needle) , sewing (of karosses) , sewing (with a needle made from the springbok's foreleg-bone) , names (for the |xam sewing needle) , names (of all things) , names (of the bone and the needle) , Flat Bushmen (and the making of a needle from a springbok's foreleg) , Flat Bushmen (the needle they use for sewing) , kaross (sewing of) , kaross (and the making of a needle from a springbok's foreleg) , springbok (the name of the bone used to make a sewing needle) , springbok (the making of a needle from its foreleg) , bones (all are named) , bones (and the making of a needle from a springbok's foreleg)

Story Pages


Page Images

Image File: A2_1_59_04766.JPG

Book: BC_151_A2_1_059

Image File: A2_1_59_04767.JPG

Book: BC_151_A2_1_059