The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: How an owl (by its conduct) made |a-kkumm think that danger must be at hand and how she was sought for by a lion, which spoke to her in a man's voice


How an owl (by its conduct) made |a-kkumm think that danger must be at hand and how she was sought for by a lion, which spoke to her in a man's voice


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


Dia!kwain's elder sister, |a-kkumm, comes upon an owl as she journeys from !kau-|nunu (Kenhardt) at sunset, and it behaves as if it is going to snatch her. When it leaves she is afraid because her mother had told her that when an owl leaves at sunset a beast of prey is near.


1) p.4868v: this story was told to Dia!kwain by |a-kkumm when he was little; about Kenhardt (or !kau-|nunu) at the time before the white people built their houses there, 2) pp.4869v-4879v: see Avoidance behaviour relating to lions, 3) See also |a khumm called by a lion, 4) This story is found in Book V-11


Dia!kwain (David Hoesar) (V)


1 July 1875 (started)


History (personal), Plants and animals, Custom and daily life


|a-kkumm (and the lion) , |a-kkumm (what her mother taught her about owls and lions) , |a-kkumm (and the conduct of the owl) , |a-kkumm (and the lion who spoke to her like a man) , |a-kkumm (Dia!kwain's sister) , |a-kkumm (her personal history) , owl (its nature and habits) , owl (its conduct warns of the approach of the lion) , owl (and lions) , owl (behaves like the lion) , owl (its actions at sunset) , owl (and the sun) , lion (what it says to |a-kkumm) , lion (its nature and habits) , lion (speaks in a man's voice) , lion (deceives) , lion (its ways of catching people) , lion (is cunning) , lion (and Dia!kwain's sister |a-kkumm) , lion (the owl warns of its approach) , lion (and the conduct of the owl) , lion (and the sun) , lion (speaks with its tail in its mouth) , places (Kenhardt or !kau-|nunu) , places (Brinkkop) , places (Dia!kwain's people's) , places (names of in Bushmanland) , teaching (about the owl's conduct) , teaching (about beasts of prey) , teaching (what |a-kkumm's mother told her about owls and lions) , Dia!kwain (his sister |a-kkumm and the lion) , Dia!kwain (his personal history) , personal history (Dia!kwain's sister |a-kkumm and the lion) , personal history (of Dia!kwain and his relations) , sun (when an owl leaves at sunset a beast of prey is near) , sun (|a-kkumm and the owl and the lion) , education (about the owl's conduct) , education (about beasts of prey) , education (what |a-kkumm's mother told her about owls and lions) , names (of places in Bushmanland) , names (and |a-kkumm and the owl and the lion) , names (|xam, for Kenhardt)

Story Pages

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