The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: |nu-!ke or magicians who have died still possess power, and ≠kamme-an's prayer to them


|nu-!ke or magicians who have died still possess power, and ≠kamme-an's prayer to them


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


The power of Game Sorcerers continues after death. Prayer addressed to them by the mother of narrator. (L V.-11. 4801 rev.-4809 rev.). Dia!kwain's mother tells of spirit-people who are dead game's sorcerers. The people do not see them but their sorcery is still around and they do not altogether die. There follows her prayer to the spirits of the sorcerers who formerly possessed game.


1) See also The power over ostriches possessed by Dia!kwain's uncle |uherre, 2) This story is found in Book V-11


Dia!kwain (David Hoesar) (V)


July 1875


Custom and daily life


spirit-people (|nu-!ke or magicians who have died still possess power) , spirit-people (|nu-!ke) , spirit-people (dead sorcerers) , spirit-people (formerly possessed game) , spirit-people (their power over the game) , spirit-people (game's sorcerers) , spirit-people (a prayer to) , spirit-people (and beating a stone on the ground) , spirit-people (their signs) , spirit-people (give fat or old things) , spirit-people (test the people) , spirit-people (knew things) , spirit-people (their thinking strings) , spirit-people (their doings) , spirit-people (do not altogether die) , spirit-people (≠kamme-an's prayer to) , sorcerers (|nu-!ke or magicians who have died still possess power) , sorcerers (and ≠kamme-an's prayer to the spirit-people) , sorcerers (their ancestors) , sorcerers (or magicians) , sorcerers (bewitch the game) , sorcerers (know things) , sorcerers (possess their nose) , sorcerers (do not altogether die) , sorcerers (their thinking strings) , sorcerers (dead) , sorcerers (the death of) , sorcerers (game-) , sorcerers (the power of dead) , sorcerers (their magic powers) , sorcerers (people ask them for game) , sorcerers (and the game) , sorcerers (the spirit-people) , Dia!kwain (his mother ≠kamme-an's prayer to the spirit-people) , Dia!kwain (and the |nu-!ke or magicians who have died and who still possess power) , prayer (to dead game-sorcerers) , prayer (to the spirit-people or |nu-!ke) , prayer (and beating a stone on the ground) , prayer (≠kamme-an's) , stone (beating one on the ground) , stone (and ≠kamme-an's prayer to the spirit-people) , death (dead sorcerers) , death (spirit-people or |nu-!ke) , death (|nu-!ke or magicians who have died still possess power) , death (sorcerers do not altogether die) , nose (sorcerers possess theirs) , nose (and how |nu-!ke or magicians who have died still possess power) , game (power of sorcerers over) , game (bewitched by sorcerers) , game (formerly possessed by spirit–people) , game (and how |nu-!ke or magicians who have died still possess power) , game (and the spirit-people) , game (–sorcerers) , game (and ≠kamme-an's prayer to the spirit-people) , game (prayers asking for) , game (sorcerers send fat or old things) , thinking strings (and how |nu-!ke or magicians who have died still possess power) , thinking strings (of spirit–people or dead game sorcerers) , name (used by the |xam for dead sorcerers is |nu-!ke)

Story Pages


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