The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: What Xaa-ttin used to sing (the broken string)


What Xaa-ttin used to sing (the broken string)


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


The sorcerer !nuin|kúïten. In the Katkop dialect, by Díä!kwãin (L V.-15. 5079-5101, 5104-5109). A song that Dia!kwain's father Xaa-ttin used to sing: when he used to sleep he would hear a person calling him (the sorcerer !nuin-|kui-ten).


1) p.5103v: the string that broke was the thong or string Xaa-ttin heard when !nuin |kuiten invoked the rain-bull, 2) See also The broken string and !huin-|kui-ten (who was a sorcerer or magician), 3) This story is found in Book V-15


Dia!kwain (David Hoesar) (V)


28 July 1875 (started)


History (personal), Custom and daily life, Relations with others


Xaa-ttin (his personal history) , Xaa-ttin (and the dead sorcerer !nuin-|kui-ten) , Xaa-ttin (his song) , Xaa-ttin (what he used to sing) , Xaa-ttin (and the broken string) , sorcerer (rainmaker) , sorcerer (his work) , sorcerer (called !nuin-|kui-ten) , sorcerer (and what Xaa-ttin used to sing) , sorcerer (and the broken string) , sorcerer (and the rain-bull) , song (that Xaa-ttin used to sing) , song (about the broken string) , song (about the dead sorcerer !nuin-|kui-ten) , broken string (has gone away) , broken string (has left Xaa-ttin's place) , broken string (the vibration of) , broken string (the sound of) , broken string (or thong) , broken string (and the rain-bull) , broken string (and what Xaa-ttin used to sing) , !nuin-|kui-ten (the rainmaker or rain-sorcerer) , !nuin-|kui-ten (and what Xaa-ttin used to sing) , !nuin-|kui-ten (calls Xaa-ttin in his sleep) , !nuin-|kui-ten (causes illness) , !nuin-|kui-ten (leads out the rain-bull) , !nuin-|kui-ten (and Xaa-ttin's song about the broken string) , rain-bull (and what Xaa-ttin used to sing) , rain-bull (and the broken string) , personal history (Xaa-ttin's song about the dead sorcerer !nuin-|kui-ten and the broken string) , personal history (of Dia!kwain's father Xaa-ttin) , work (the sorcerer !nuin-|kui-ten's) , work (and what Xaa-ttin used to sing) , work (and the broken string) , work (done by sorcerers or rainmakers) , work (with the rain-bull) , work (rainmaking) , rainmaking (and what Xaa-ttin used to sing) , rainmaking (and the broken string) , rainmaking (and the dead sorcerer !nuin-|kui-ten) , string (the broken) , string (has gone away) , string (has left Xaa-ttin's place) , string (the vibration of) , string (the sound of) , string (or thong) , string (and the rain-bull) , string (and what Xaa-ttin used to sing) , string (and the dead sorcerer !nuin-|kui-ten) , illness (caused by the dead sorcerer !nuin-|kui-ten) , illness (and what Xaa-ttin used to sing) , thong (for leading the rain-bull) , thong (and what Xaa-ttin used to sing) , thong (the broken string) , thong (and the dead sorcerer !nuin-|kui-ten) , place (broken string has left Xaa-ttin's) , place (and what Xaa-ttin used to sing) , rainmaker (the dead sorcerer !nuin-|kui-ten) , rainmaker (and what Xaa-ttin used to sing) , rainmaker (and the broken string) , rainmaker (leads the rain-bull) , sleep (Xaa-ttin hears the dead sorcerer !nuin-|kui-ten calling him in his) , sleep (and what Xaa-ttin used to sing) , sleep (and the broken string)

Story Pages


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