Story: !nanna-sse (hunting observances)
!nanna-sse (hunting observances)
About the hunting of game and the eating of flesh of certain game beforehand, such as eating slow-moving rather than fast game when going off to hunt.
1) Date on p.5304: 23 September; p.5312: 24 September, 2) p.5300v: this story was told to Dia!kwain by his mother (≠kamme-an), 3) This story is found in Book V-17
September 1875
hunting (and !nanna-sse) , hunting (teachings about) , hunting (killing and eating game) , hunting (and the actions of the game) , hunting (things that run fast and that do not run fast) , hunting (observances) , hunting (springbok) , hunting (and avoidance behaviour) , hunting (prohibitions relating to) , hunting (customs relating to) , springbok (and !nanna-sse) , springbok (handling their meat) , springbok (eating their flesh and hunting) , springbok (their nature and habits) , springbok (the hunting of) , springbok (the actions of different types) , springbok (and successful hunting) , !nanna-sse (hunting observances) , !nanna-sse (and the hunting and killing of game) , teaching (about killing game and hunting observances) , teaching (about !nanna-sse) , education (about killing game and hunting observances) , education (about !nanna-sse) , food (and hunting observances) , food (and !nanna-sse) , food (eating springbok and hunting) , food (prohibitions relating to) , food (and avoidance behaviour) , food (that is not swift) , food (eaten before hunting) , food (that strengthens poison) , food (and the successful killing of game) , food (eating slow and fast game) , game (and !nanna-sse) , game (eating its flesh influences hunting) , game (the successful killing of) , game (eating certain kinds of) , game (prohibitions relating to) , game (and avoidance behaviour) , game (slow and fast) , poison (eating food that strengthens) , poison (and !nanna-sse)
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