The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: The Mantis and the hunting of eland


The Mantis and the hunting of eland


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


What the |kaggen (Mantis) does to see whether the people respect the eland.


1) This story was told to Dia!kwain by both his grandfather (!xugen-ddi) and father (Xaa-ttin), 2) See also Ssa ka Kumm and Further ceremonies in cutting up eland, 3) This story is found in Book V-17


Dia!kwain (David Hoesar) (V)


12 December 1875


Custom and daily life, |kaggen (the Mantis)


eland (hunting) , eland (ceremonies for the killing of) , eland (its actions when shot) , eland (|kaggen and the hunting of) , eland (|kaggen wants his to live) , eland (respect for) , eland (the actions of |kaggen when one has been shot) , |kaggen (the Mantis) , |kaggen (and the hunting of eland) , |kaggen (tests people's respect for the eland) , |kaggen (his actions when an eland has been shot) , |kaggen (deceives) , |kaggen (takes other forms) , |kaggen (wants his eland to live) , |kaggen (tells the eland to get up) , |kaggen (and killing eland) , |kaggen (the eland is his thing) , |kaggen (his magic powers) , |kaggen (and the passing of water) , respect (|kaggen tests people's respect for the eland) , respect (|kaggen and the hunting of eland) , ceremony (for the killing of eland) , ceremony (|kaggen and the hunting of eland) , ceremony (and the passing of water) , magic powers (of |kaggen and the hunting of eland) , hunting (|kaggen and the hunting of eland) , hunting (ceremonies for the killing of eland) , urination (and ceremonies for the killing of eland) , urination (|kaggen and the hunting of eland)

Story Pages


Page Images

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Book: BC_151_A2_1_066

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Book: BC_151_A2_1_066