Story: Further ceremonies in cutting up eland
Further ceremonies in cutting up eland
More ceremonies performed when cutting up eland, as it is a 'magic thing'.
1) p.5363v: Dia!kwain was told this by his father (Xaa-ttin), 2) p.5365v: a note to reread (dated 13 December 1875), 3) See also Ssa ka Kumm and The Mantis and the hunting of eland, 4) This story is found in Book V-18
30 September – 4 October 1875
Custom and daily life, |kaggen (the Mantis)
eland (ceremonies in cutting up) , eland (is a 'magic thing') , eland (ways of approaching it when it is dead) , eland (the fear of making it lean) , eland (looking away from) , eland (its magic powers) , eland (respecting) , eland (ceremonies for cutting it up) , eland (and hunting observances) , eland (and avoidance behaviour) , eland (fat) , eland (lean) , eland (what the hunters say) , hunting (and ceremonies in cutting up eland) , hunting (observances) , hunting (of eland) , hunting (of magic things) , hunting (of |kaggen's things) , game (ceremonies in cutting up eland) , game (ceremonies) , game (lean) , game (fat) , game (eland is a 'magic thing') , |kaggen (the Mantis) , |kaggen (the eland is its thing) , |kaggen (and the ceremonies for cutting up the eland) , respect (for the eland and |kaggen's things) , respect (and ceremonies in cutting up eland) , respect (for the eland which is a 'magic thing') , magic powers (of the eland) , magic powers (and ceremonies in cutting up eland) , magic powers (eland is a 'magic thing')
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