Story: The !ho
The !ho
In a peculiar state of the atmosphere, in which sounds can be heard at a considerable distance, sitting, instead of standing, is recommended; for fear of evil consequences. Standing over those who are sitting, on account of its injurious effects, is also objected to, etc. In the Katkop dialect, by Díä!kwãin (L V.-20. 5559 rev.-5568 rev.). The !ho can kill people who are standing over visitors and sticks can 'seek people' and 'strike' them dead if they stand still. If a person's teeth are 'above' or over their 'knees' they are standing over other people and can cause their deaths or make them ill.
1) See also The !kho: a blue mist which resembles smoke and The !ho and Ko-boken, 2) This story is found in Book V-20
20 November 1875 (started)
Custom and daily life, Celestial bodies and aeroscopy
standing ('teeth over knees') , standing (over another who is sitting) , standing (can kill others) , standing (and the early morning) , standing (is bad luck) , standing (and avoidance behaviour) , standing (sitting instead of) , standing (and the !ho) , standing (the consequences of, at dawn) , !ho (a peculiar state of the atmosphere) , !ho (is a whirlwind) , !ho (its ill effect on people) , !ho (and sticks that seek people) , !ho (teachings about) , !ho (is a mirage) , !ho (knocks down and kills people) , !ho (and the consequences of people standing over others) , !ho (and standing instead of sitting at dawn) , !ho (warnings about) , !ho (and the early morning) , dawn (actions at) , dawn (customs relating to) , dawn (the early morning's doings) , dawn (and the !ho) , dawn (and the whirlwind) , dawn (standing at) , sticks (that seek people) , sticks (and the ill effects of the !ho: a whirlwind) , whirlwind (or a peculiar state of the atmosphere) , whirlwind (called !ho) , whirlwind (its ill effect on people) , dawn (its doings) , dawn (warnings about) , dawn (prohibitions relating to) , dawn (and standing) , dawn (and the !ho: a whirlwind) , morning (early) , morning (actions at) , morning (customs relating to) , morning (the early morning's doings) , morning (and the !ho: a whirlwind) , morning (and sitting instead of standing at) , name (of a whirlwind which harms people at dawn is !ho) , death (and the ill effects of the !ho: a whirlwind) , death (and the consequences of standing at dawn) , death (and sticks that seek people) , teachings (about the consequences of standing at dawn) , teachings (about the ill effects of the !ho: a whirlwind) , teachings (and warnings about the early morning and its doings) , education (the consequences of standing at dawn) , education (the ill effects of the !ho: a whirlwind) , education (warnings about the early morning and its doings) , mirage (or whirlwind called the !ho) , illness (and the consequences of standing at dawn) , illness (and the ill effects of the !ho: a whirlwind)
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