The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: The young man who was changed into stone, by the glance of a new maiden


The young man who was changed into stone, by the glance of a new maiden


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


A youth climbs up a mountain playing his !goura. A new maiden lying in her hut wants to see the youth play and looks straight at him. The youth is turned to stone with the !goura still in his mouth. This is why the |xam do not let new maidens walk about among the men.


1) p.5580v: Dia!kwain heard this from his mother (≠kamme-an); the name of the mountain mentioned in the story is kwi-||nein (Paard/Parra Kloof); a description of the mountain and its situation, 2) See also A fragment of an account of a ceremony performed by Bushmen maidens in order that their father's dogs should hunt well, 3) This story is found in Book V-20


Dia!kwain (David Hoesar) (V)


11 (started on or about) –13 December 1875


New maidens, Custom and daily life


new maiden (and the young man who was changed into stone) , new maiden (of the Early Race) , new maiden (transfixes) , new maiden (and men) , new maiden (the consequences of her 'looks' or gaze) , new maiden (does not walk about) , new maiden (lies secluded in her hut) , new maiden (customs relating to) , new maiden (the treatment of) , new maiden (her powers) , new maiden (and transformation) , new maiden (prohibitions relating to) , new maiden (is looked after by old women) , new maiden (the maiden who changed the young man into stone) , new maiden (is feared and avoided) , mountain (where the maiden turned the youth to stone) , mountain (its name) , mountain (where the people once dwelt) , musical instrument (!goura) , musical instrument (played by the youth turned to stone by the maiden) , hut (in which the new maiden is secluded) , hut (and the young man who was changed into stone) , !goura (a musical instrument) , !goura (of the youth turned to stone) , stone (the young man who was changed into, by the glance of a new maiden) , name (of the mountain where the maiden turned the youth to stone) , name (where the people once dwelt) , old women (look after the new maiden) , old women (and the young man who was changed into stone, by the glance of a new maiden) , Early Race (and the young man who was changed into stone, by the glance of a new maiden) , glance (or look of the new maiden transfixes people) , glance (and the young man who was changed into stone, by the new maiden's) , young man (of the Early Race) , young man (who was changed into stone, by the glance of a new maiden)

Story Pages


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