The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: The girl who snaps her fingers at her parents and the rain


The girl who snaps her fingers at her parents and the rain


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


The rain is angry with us, if we talk to a maiden against her wish. (L V.20. 5608-5612). An account of what the angry rain (or the 'water's !kabbe') does when the new maiden curses the people and snaps her fingers at her parents.


1) p.5607v: Dia!kwain heard this story from his mother (≠kamme-an) and says that Jan Ronebout's mother (!kwarra-an) knows it too, 2) See also The maiden who snaps her fingers at the rain, 3) This story is found in Book V-20


Dia!kwain (David Hoesar) (V)


17 December 1875 (started)


New maidens, The Rain and Rain's water


new maiden (the girl who snaps her fingers at her parents and the rain) , new maiden (causes bad weather) , new maiden (speaks angrily, scolds and curses) , new maiden (snaps her fingers and angers the rain) , new maiden (what happens if a maiden is spoken to against her wishes) , new maiden (angry rain and angry maidens) , new maiden (the angry rain resembles her) , new maiden (and the rain) , new maiden (and the waterpit) , new maiden (and the water's !kabbe) , new maiden (causes lightning) , new maiden (causes her people to get put in the waterpit) , rain (the girl who snaps her fingers at her parents and the rain) , rain (imitates the girl's speech) , rain (angry rain and angry maidens) , rain (and the bad weather) , rain (what happens when it is angry) , rain (and what happens if a maiden is spoken to against her wishes) , rain (and lightning) , rain (-clouds) , rain (-water) , rain (and new maidens) , rain (and the snapping of fingers) , rain (and a maiden's cursing) , rain (punishes people) , rain (resembles the new maiden) , rain (wishes to kill people) , rain (made the waterpit) , rain (and the Water's !kabbe) , waterpit (the girl who snaps her fingers at her parents and the rain) , waterpit (and the angry rain) , waterpit (took the new maiden and her people) , cursing (the girl who snaps her fingers at her parents and the rain) , cursing (angry rain and angry maidens) , cursing (a maiden's) , water (the water's !kabbe) , water (and the girl who snaps her fingers at her parents and the rain) , water (and the angry rain) , lightning (caused by an angry rain) , lightning (and the girl who snaps her fingers at her parents and the rain) , speech (of the girl who snaps her fingers at her parents and the rain) , speech (angry, scolding, of the maiden)

Story Pages


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