The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: Sneezing: to be avoided when game is shot


Sneezing: to be avoided when game is shot


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


Sneezing to be avoided when game has been wounded. How to obviate the ill effect of a Sneeze. (L V.-21. 5654-5659). Mothers tell the children about how sneezing affects the death of game. Wounded game jumps up if the children sneeze.


1) Note on the inside of the front cover (Book V-21) pp.5629-5719 1/2. From 21 November to 15 December 1875, 2) See also The Moon, not to be looked at, when game is shot, for the first part of this story, as well as Destroying the sneeze or kkoroken, 3) pp.5654v & 5655v: sneezing on the hunting-ground is seen as a bad omen if it occurs first thing in the morning when hunters awake, 4) p.5657v: the action performed to suppress or 'rub away' a sneeze on the hunting-ground: the first finger of the right hand is put into the mouth, pulled out against the left cheek, making a noise; the right hand is then put over the nose and mouth and rubbed about – this ritual is called kkoroken, 5) p.5658v: people should destroy a sneeze by putting a hand over their nose, 6) This story is found in Book V-21


Dia!kwain (David Hoesar) (V)


December 1875


Custom and daily life


sneezing (to be avoided when game is shot) , sneezing (and kkoroken, or preventing) , sneezing (and hunting observances) , sneezing (in the morning) , sneezing (and shooting game) , sneezing (drives away the game) , sneezing (its ill effects) , sneezing (making it vanish) , sneezing (rubbing it away) , sneezing (avoidance behaviour relating to) , sneezing (into the ears of the hunter) , sneezing (causes misfortune with hunting) , sneezing (the hearing of) , sneezing (affects the dying of the game) , sneezing (and hunting) , hunting (sneezing to be avoided when game is shot) , hunting (and the kkoroken ritual) , hunting (observances) , hunting (and sneezing) , hunting (and sneezing in the morning) , hunting (and shooting game) , game (sneezing to be avoided when game is shot) , game (shooting) , game (and hunting observances) , game (and the kkoroken ritual) , game (wounded game jumps up if the children sneeze) , teaching (that sneezing is to be avoided when game is shot) , teaching (of the kkoroken ritual) , teaching (of rubbing away the sneeze) , teaching (of hunting observances) , education (that sneezing is to be avoided when game is shot) , education (of the kkoroken ritual or preventing the sneeze) , education (of hunting observances) , children (taught that sneezing to be avoided when game is shot) , children (wounded game jumps up if they sneeze) , children (taught the kkoroken ritual or preventing the sneeze) , name (a ritual for preventing a sneeze called kkoroken) , name (and sneezing is to be avoided when game is shot)

Story Pages


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Book: BC_151_A2_1_070

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