The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: Destroying the sneeze or kkoroken


Destroying the sneeze or kkoroken


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


Sneezing in the early morning considered to be unfortunate. In the Katkop dialect, by Díä!kwãin (L V. 21. 5654 rev. and 5655 rev., note). How to destroy a Sneeze. (L V.-22. 5658 rev., note). Sneezing drives away the game. The action or ritual called kkoroken is used to abort a sneeze.


1) Dia!kwain heard this from his parents and also experienced it in person, 2) See also The Moon, not to be looked at, when game is shot and Sneezing: to be avoided when game is shot, 3) This story is found in Book V-21


Dia!kwain (David Hoesar) (V)


6 December 1875


Custom and daily life, Portention


sneezing (destroying the sneeze or kkoroken) , sneezing (and shooting game) , sneezing (avoidance behaviour relating to) , sneezing (at dawn) , sneezing (in the early morning considered unfortunate) , sneezing (and misfortune with hunting) , sneezing (is a bad omen) , hunting (and destroying the sneeze or kkoroken) , hunting (misfortune at, and sneezing) , hunting (observances) , hunting (and bad omens) , omen (bad and sneezing) , omen (sneezing and misfortune hunting) , name (a ritual for preventing a sneeze called kkoroken) , name (and destroying the sneeze or kkoroken) , dawn (and destroying the sneeze or kkoroken) , dawn (sneezing in the early morning considered unfortunate) , dawn (sneezing at) , dawn (sneezing at and hunting) , morning (and destroying the sneeze or kkoroken) , morning (sneezing at dawn) , morning (sneezing at dawn and hunting) , morning (sneezing in the early morning considered unfortunate)

Story Pages

5654v-5655v, 5657v-5658v

Page Images

Image File: A2_1_70_05655.JPG

Book: BC_151_A2_1_070

Image File: A2_1_70_05656.JPG

Book: BC_151_A2_1_070

Image File: A2_1_70_05658.JPG

Book: BC_151_A2_1_070

Image File: A2_1_70_05659.JPG

Book: BC_151_A2_1_070