The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: Baboons try to shoot people – means of preventing It


Baboons try to shoot people – means of preventing It


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


When shot, baboons will often try and throw the arrow back at the hunter and kill him too. When hunters see a baboon pull out an arrow and hold it in a certain way they must tell it that it is a 'girl's arrow', which will shame the baboon.


1) p.5916v: this story was told to Dia!kwain by his father (Xaa-ttin), 2) p.5920v: a list of |xam vocabulary (words and sentences), 3) See also Baboons should not be spoken with, 4) This story is found in Book V-24


Dia!kwain (David Hoesar) (V)


1 February 1876 (started)


Custom and daily life, Plants and animals


hunting (of baboons) , hunting (methods) , hunting (observances) , hunting (and shooting baboons) , hunting (women's things and 'girl's arrows') , hunting (preventing baboons from trying to shoot people) , baboons (and women's things) , baboons (making them ashamed) , baboons (their nature and habits) , baboons (their actions when ashamed) , baboons (how to make them drop an arrow) , baboons (how they shoot people) , baboons (how they shoot back an arrow fired at them) , baboons (throw arrows back at the hunter) , baboons (are ashamed of holding 'girl's arrows') , baboons (what to say to one who wants to shoot a person) , women (baboons and women's things) , women (baboons are ashamed of holding 'girl's arrows') , women (preventing baboons from trying to shoot people) , arrow (preventing baboons from trying to shoot people) , arrow (baboons are ashamed of holding 'girl's arrows') , arrow (baboons shoot back one fired at them)

Story Pages


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