Story: Chippings made by Dia!kwain's father (before the time of the 'Boers')
Chippings made by Dia!kwain's father (before the time of the 'Boers')
Chippings of Gemsbok, Quagga, Ostriches, etc., executed by Xãä–ttin (father of the informant), to be found at the place (not yet identified) called !kaññ, where these animals used formerly to come to drink. In English, after Díä!kwãin (L V.-24. 5963 rev., note). About the chippings made by Dia!kwain's father Xaa-ttin before the Dutch ('Boers') came. The chippings depict various game animals near to where the animals used to drink.
1) See also Words and sentences (and Dia!kwain's father's drawings), 2) This story is found in Book V-24
February 1876
History (personal), Custom and daily life, Relations with others
rock art (chippings made by Dia!kwain's father) , chippings (drawings) , chippings (made by Dia!kwain's father) , chippings (made before the time of the 'Boers') , chippings (of gemsbok, quagga and ostriches) , chippings (Xaa-ttin's) , chippings (the place where they were made, called !kann) , Dia!kwain (his personal history) , Dia!kwain (his father Xaa-ttin's chippings) , Dia!kwain (the names of his relations) , Xaa-ttin (his personal history) , Xaa-ttin (his chippings) , Boers (the Dutch) , Boers (and Xaa-ttin's chippings) , Boers (the time before they came) , personal history (the chippings made by Dia!kwain's father Xaa-ttin before the time of the 'Boers') , personal history (of Dia!kwain and his relations) , Dutch ('Boers') , Dutch (and Xaa-ttin's chippings) , Dutch (the time before they came) , name (of Dia!kwains father is Xaa-ttin) , name (of Dia!kwain's relations) , name (of the place where Xaa-ttin made his chippings) , place (where Xaa-ttin made his chippings) , place (called !kann) , place (where animals used to drink) , gemsbok (in chippings made by Dia!kwain's father) , quagga (in chippings made by Dia!kwain's father) , ostriches (in chippings made by Dia!kwain's father)
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