The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: Method of cooking and eating porcupine


Method of cooking and eating porcupine


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


A description of the preparation, cooking, eating and distribution of porcupine meat among the people. The men eat from the backbone, because they want the most meat to be given to the children.


1) |han≠kass'o heard this story from his mother (|xabbi-an) and from Tsatsi, ||kabbo, ≠kabbe, and ≠nein !khe who experienced it themselves, 2) pp.7408v-7409v: (dated 10 September 1878) see A girl does not eat porcupines' tails, 3) This story is found in Book VIII-16


|han≠kass'o (Klein Jantje) (VIII)


September 1878


The Rain and Rain's water, Custom and daily life


porcupine (methods of cooking and eating) , porcupine (the distribution of its meat) , porcupine (the eating of) , porcupine (the parts that are eaten and avoided) , porcupine (prohibitions regarding eating) , porcupine (and eating the tail) , porcupine (its tail and the rain) , porcupine (men eat from its backbone) , food (eating porcupine) , food (men eat from the porcupine's backbone) , food (methods of cooking and eating porcupine) , food (distribution of porcupine meat) , food (parts of the porcupine avoided) , food (prohibitions relating to) , food (sharing) , sharing (and distributing porcupine meat)

Story Pages


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