The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: The Rain, in the form of an eland, shot by one of the Early Race of people; and the disasters which followed


The Rain, in the form of an eland, shot by one of the Early Race of people; and the disasters which followed


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


The Rain, in the form of an Eland, shot by one of the early race of people (which preceded the Bushmen in their country). The disasters which follow. By /han≠kass’o (L VIII.-16. 7461 and 7462, 17. 7463-7472). A man of the Early Race hunts the Rain (which was formerly an eland) as it grazes. The next day the people try to roast the meat, but it vanishes on the fire and the Rain traps them in their hut. They become frogs and hop away.


1) |han≠kass'o heard this story from his mother (|xabbi-an), who he thinks heard it from her mother (≠kammi), 2) p.7462v: |xam words, not translated and written in pencil, 3) This story is found in Books VIII-16 and VIII-17


|han≠kass'o (Klein Jantje) (VIII)


16 September 1878 (started and finished)


The Rain and Rain's water, History (Early Race)


rain (the Rain) , rain (its spoor) , rain (was formerly an eland) , rain (created a pond) , rain (on the hunting-ground) , rain (the shooting of) , rain (was shot by a man of the Early Race) , rain (is an eland the people do not eat) , rain (the hunting of) , rain (its meat vanishes and burns away in the fire) , rain (the consequences of eating) , rain (its flesh) , rain (its mist) , rain (transforms people into frogs) , rain (its hut) , rain (its pond) , rain (shuts people into the hut) , rain (its navel) , rain (in the form of an eland) , rain (people try and roast it) , food (the rain's eland is not eaten) , food (the Rain in the form of an eland shot by one of the Early Race) , navel (the rain's) , navel (the Rain in the form of an eland shot by one of the Early Race) , eland (the Rain in the form of) , eland (the rain was formerly) , eland (hunted and shot by a man of the Early Race) , eland (its flesh vanishes and burns away in the fire) , eland (that is not eaten) , eland (people do not eat the rain's eland) , transformation (of people into frogs) , transformation (by the angry rain) , transformation (the Rain in the form of an eland shot by one of the Early Race) , Early Race (or First Bushmen) , Early Race (the Rain in the form of an eland was shot by one of) , hunting (observances) , hunting (of the Rain in the form of an eland by one of the Early Race) , hunting (and rain on the hunting-ground) , frog (the Rain transforms people into) , frog (the Rain in the form of an eland shot by one of the Early Race)

Story Pages

7461-7462, 7463-7472

Page Images

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