The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: The occasion on which the story The girl of the Early Race who killed the children of the Rain was related to |han≠kass'o


The occasion on which the story The girl of the Early Race who killed the children of the Rain was related to |han≠kass'o


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


|han≠kass'o was told the story 'The girl of the Early Race who killed the children of the Rain' when, as a child, he complained about being given too little to eat.


1) See also The girl of the Early Race who killed the children of the Rain; the names of some people and the names of their places in Bushmanland and some details about them, 2) pp.7520v-7521v: why |han≠kass'o was told the story, 3) This story is found in Book VIII-17


|han≠kass'o (Klein Jantje) (VIII)


September 1878


History (personal)


personal history (|han≠kass'o's) , personal history (the occasion on which the story 'The girl of the Early Race who killed the children of the Rain' was related to |han≠kass'o) , food (doings with) , food (people do not put away meat for children) , food (the treatment of meat) , food (and children) , food (and hunger) , food (what children are taught about) , teaching (doings with food) , teaching (putting away meat for children) , teaching (treatment of meat) , teaching (of children) , teaching (telling stories) , education (doings with food) , education (putting away meat for children) , education (treatment of meat) , education (of children) , education (telling stories) , Early Race (or First Bushmen) , Early Race (the occasion on which the story 'The girl of the Early Race who killed the children of the Rain' was related to |han≠kass'o) , |han≠kass'o (the occasion on which he was told the story of the girl who killed the children of the Rain') , |han≠kass'o (is educated about food) , |han≠kass'o (his personal history) , foolish (children are, and must be educated) , foolish (children do not understand) , children (people do not put away meat for them) , children (educating) , children (cry on account of their 'foolishness') , children (stories told to) , children (are told not to cry for food) , meat (not put away for children) , meat (treatment of) , hunger (an occasion in which |han≠kass'o was hungry) , hunger (children are taught not to cry on account of) , hunger (meat is not put away for children)

Story Pages


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