The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: The drought which caused |han≠kass'o's grandparents to starve


The drought which caused |han≠kass'o's grandparents to starve


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


|han≠kass'o's maternal grandmother, ≠kammi, was lean with starvation during the drought in their country, and his grandfather almost died from starvation during the same drought. The children were the ones who ran the steenbok down in the sun until they collapsed from the heat ('the sun is killing' them).


1) p.7521v: see The occasion on which the story The girl of the Early Race who killed the children of the Rain was related to |han≠kass'o, 2) This story is found in Book VIII-17


|han≠kass'o (Klein Jantje) (VIII)


September 1878


History (personal), Custom and daily life


drought (and the 'killing' sun) , drought (during which |han≠kass'o's grandparents almost died) , drought (which caused |han≠kass'o's grandparents to starve) , drought (and the disappearance of game) , drought (and hunting) , drought (and the finding of food) , drought (and the role of children in hunting food) , food (finding in drought) , food (hunting for) , food (and the drought which caused |han≠kass'o's grandparents to starve) , food (the role of children in hunting for) , |han≠kass'o (the drought during which his grandfather almost died) , |han≠kass'o (his personal history) , |han≠kass'o (his experiences hunting steenbok during the drought) , children (run down steenbok) , children (hunt game during drought) , children (the role of children in hunting game) , children (and the drought which caused |han≠kass'o's grandparents to starve) , death (due to starvation and drought) , death (and the drought which caused |han≠kass'o's grandparents to starve) , hunting (during a drought) , hunting (|han≠kass'o's experiences of during the drought) , hunting (children run down steenbok) , hunting (methods of) , hunting (and the drought which caused |han≠kass'o's grandparents to starve) , sun (during a drought) , sun ('has really destroyed') , sun ('kills') , sun (causes things to 'fall down') , sun (and the drought which caused |han≠kass'o's grandparents to starve) , personal history (the drought during which |han≠kass'o's grandparents almost died) , personal history (of |han≠kass'o and his relations) , names (of |han≠kass'o's grandparents) , steenbok (hunted by |han≠kass'o during the drought) , steenbok (and the drought which caused |han≠kass'o's grandparents to starve)

Story Pages


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