Story: Beasts of prey were once people
Beasts of prey were once people
All things were once people. They became beasts of prey when the Anteater and the Lynx cursed each other.
1) See also The Anteater's laws (|a!kunta's version) and The Anteater, Springbok and Lynx (||kabbo's version 1) and The Anteater's laws (||kabbo's version 2), 2) This story is found in Book VIII-18
|han≠kass'o (Klein Jantje) (VIII)
September/October 1878
Anteater (its laws) , Anteater (its curse) , Anteater (before its laws beasts of prey were people) , Early Race (or First Bushmen) , Early Race (beasts of prey were once people of) , Early Race (when all things were people of) , Lynx (its curse) , Lynx (and the Anteater's laws) , Lynx (beasts of prey were once people) , Springbok (and the Anteater's laws) , Springbok (and beasts of prey who were once people) , Springbok (the little Springbok) , beasts of prey (and the Early Race) , beasts of prey (and the Anteater's laws) , beasts of prey (were once people) , beasts of prey (why they became animals) , people (all things were once) , people (of the Early Race) , people (beasts of prey were once) , curse (of the Lynx and the Anteater) , curse (and the Anteater's laws) , curse (beasts of prey were once people) , Anteater's laws (and the Anteater's curse) , Anteater's laws (beasts of prey were once people) , laws (the Anteater's) , laws (and beasts of prey who were once people)
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