The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: Heron's song (The song of the Blue Crane)


Heron's song (The song of the Blue Crane)


Wilhelm Bleek notebooks


The Blue Crane goes along singing that the Krieboom berries are on her shoulder. There are verses for walking slowly, for running away from a man and for flapping her wings. These are also verses about a white stone splinter (for scraping skins).


1) p.2154v: !kann, a stone pipe made by 'Hottentots' out of serpentine or similar stone; a !xoro pipe; a note on a bird that was formerly a man; this song is sung by men and women; note on krieboom berries (|gara), their appearance, what they taste like and who eats them (|xam and Korannas), 2) p.2155v: a note on the name of the berries; ||kabbo can't explain why the berries do not roll off; the story is one that tells of the 'very old people', the 'first old people', and it lies 'in his thoughts'; |xam and Koranna women pick and place berries in a bag, then mix them with others in order to keep their teeth strong for chewing other foods, 3) p.2156v: about a stone splinter; the bird sings of its head which is said to resemble the shape of the stone knife or splinter; the |xam cut up game with such a stone knife, and a note on its making; Grass Bushmen make arrowheads of quartz; a few verses on the scraping of springbok skins for the making of bedding, and goat skin as well; the Blue Crane (Anthropoides stanleyanus) was formerly a person of the Early Race, 4) This story is found in Book XXIII


||kabbo (Jantje) (II)




Poetry, History (Early Race), Artefact and dress


berry (Krieboom) , berry (and Heron's song) , Krieboom berry (and Heron's song) , Krieboom berry (Crieboom) , Krieboom berry (and people's teeth) , Krieboom berry (eating of) , Krieboom berry (is 'abundant') , Krieboom berry (name is one) , Krieboom berry (description of) , Krieboom berry (eaten by) , Krieboom berry (on the Blue Crane's shoulder) , Krieboom berry (and the song of the Blue Crane) , Krieboom berry (|gara) , Krieboom berry (|xam name of) , Blue Crane (and Heron's song) , Blue Crane (appearance of) , Blue Crane (resembles a splinter of stone) , Blue Crane (was formerly a person) , Blue Crane (and Early Race) , Blue Crane (and the First Bushmen) , Blue Crane (song of) , Blue Crane (!ko) , Blue Crane (name of) , Blue Crane (sings its story) , Blue Crane (carries Krieboom berries on its shoulder) , stone (and Heron's song) , stone (and the song of the Blue Crane) , stone (splinter of) , stone (implements) , stone (the Blue Crane resembles) , stone (white splinter used for scraping skins) , springbok skin (and Heron's song) , springbok skin (and the song of the Blue Crane) , springbok skin (making beds from) , springbok skin (scraping with white splinter) , walk of peace (and Heron's song) , walk of peace (and the song of the Blue Crane) , song (of the Blue Crane) , song (of the Heron) , song (verses of) , song (sung by men and women) , song (of the First Bushmen) , song (of the old people) , song (of the Early Race) , song (in ||kabbo's 'thoughts') , song (poetry) , thoughts (Bushmen's) , thoughts ('thinking strings' and) , thoughts (stories in) , thoughts (||kabbo's) , ||kabbo (the stories in his thoughts) , ||kabbo (and Heron's song) , thinking strings (Bushmen's) , thinking strings (and Heron's song) , Early Race (and Heron's song) , Early Race (and the song of the Blue Crane) , Early Race (a song of the First Bushmen) , Early Race (the old people) , First Bushmen (Early Race) , First Bushmen (and Heron's song) , First Bushmen (and the song of the Blue Crane) , First Bushmen (the old people) , names (of berry) , names (of the Blue crane) , names (and Heron's song) , food (eaten by the |xam) , food (eating the Krieboom berry) , food (and Heron's song) , springbok (skin) , springbok (and Heron's song) , springbok (and the song of the Blue Crane) , springbok (making beds from) , springbok (scraping) , beds (of the |xam) , beds (made from springbok skin) , beds (and Heron's song) , beds (scraping skins for) , beds (and the white splinter used for scraping skins) , plant (Krieboom berry) , plant (and Heron's song) , heron (Heron's song) , heron (song of the Blue Crane)

Story Pages


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