The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: Eclipse of the sun


Eclipse of the sun


Wilhelm Bleek notebooks


An account of an eclipse of the sun. It crosses over into the sky and makes the people's head-hair resemble grass. They stare at the sky and wonder at what the sun is doing to make things appear this way. They wait and watch the colours of the sky change. ||kabbo (Jantje) explains that, for that time, the sun became a halo.


1) This story is found in Book XXIII


||kabbo (Jantje) (II)


2 September 1873 (started)


Celestial bodies and aeroscopy


sun (eclipse of) , sun (colour of) , sun (becomes a halo) , sun (body of) , sun (and the sky) , sun (cool) , sun (shape of) , sun (time of the day and) , sky (and eclipse of the sun) , sky (colour of) , shadows (eclipse of the sun and) , shadows (of head) , shadows (of head-hair) , shadows (time of day and) , eclipse (of the sun) , eclipse (and shadows) , eclipse (and the earth) , eclipse (and the sky) , eclipse (the people's actions during an) , eclipse (||kabbo's experience of an) , time of the day (and the eclipse of the sun)

Story Pages


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