The Digital Bleek & Lloyd


Story: How the Blue Crane vainly sought for !kuommain |ka ||kau, was killed and eaten by the Lions, and restored to life by means of one of the bones of the Mantis (Part 2)


How the Blue Crane vainly sought for !kuommain |ka ||kau, was killed and eaten by the Lions, and restored to life by means of one of the bones of the Mantis (Part 2)


Lucy Lloyd |xam notebooks


The Blue Crane, the two Lions, and the Mantis. In this story, the Blue Crane, while searching for the Frog’s husband, is killed and eaten by the Lions, and restored to life by the Mantis. By /han≠kass’o (L VIII.-32. 8794-8811). The Blue Crane is searching for !kuommain |ka ||kau (her in-law, or //yen, and the Frog's husband). The two Lions (!gu and !haue ta ≠hou) hear her as she searches and sneak up on her and kill her, then eat her. |kaggen finds the place where the Blue Crane's bone lies and picks it up and places it in the water. The Blue Crane is reconstituted and he escorts her back to their home.


1) p.8793v: |han≠kass'o heard this from his maternal grandmother (≠kammi); a note, presumably by |han≠kass'o, about getting his child and returning to Mowbray, 2) p.8794v: see Terms of relationship, 3) p.8796v: the names of the two Lions, 4) p.8797v: a !gu is also a mat, 5) pp.8797v-8798v: see Note on the two Lions, 6) p.8802v: what the water says, 7) p.8808v: see The giving of nicknames, 8) p.8810v: the Blue Crane's story is part 2 of the Frog's story; things worn by women (such as skin petticoats and cloaks) are called !kuabba, 9) See also !ga ka Kkumm. The Frog's story or The Frog, the Blue Crane, the Beetle, and !kuommain |ka ||kau (Part 1), 10) This story is found in Book VIII-32


|han≠kass'o (Klein Jantje) (VIII)


11 – 14 November 1879


|kaggen (the Mantis)


Blue Crane (how she vainly sought for !kuommain |ka ||kau and was killed and eaten by the Lions) , Blue Crane (and the Frog's story) , Blue Crane (she smells her brother |kaggen's odour) , Blue Crane (grows into a grown-up woman) , Blue Crane (returns to life in the water) , Blue Crane (|kaggen dresses her and prepares her things) , Blue Crane (|kaggen prevents her from going into the water) , Blue Crane (|kaggen rubs her with his perspiration) , Blue Crane (is |kaggen's sister) , Blue Crane (calls her brother ||kann-doro) , Blue Crane (her bone is called !kamm) , Blue Crane (and the two Lions, !gu and !haue ta ≠hou) , Blue Crane (who 'became bones' due to grief) , Blue Crane (who was restored to life by means of one of |kaggen's bones) , |kaggen (the Mantis) , |kaggen (how the Blue Crane vainly sought for !kuommain |ka ||kau and was killed and eaten by the Lions) , |kaggen (restores the Blue Crane to life with his bone) , |kaggen (rubs the Blue Crane with his perspiration) , |kaggen (prepares the Blue Crane's things) , |kaggen (tells the Blue Crane he is her elder brother) , |kaggen (the Blue Crane calls him ||kann-doro) , |kaggen (makes the Blue Crane recognise him) , things (are called !kuabba) , things (the Blue Crane's cap, skin cloak and petticoat) , things (a woman's) , things (|kaggen prepares them for the Blue Crane who is a grown-up woman) , things (how the Blue Crane vainly sought for !kuommain |ka ||kau and was killed and eaten by the Lions) , bone (that springs from the Lion's mouth) , bone (the Blue Crane's, called !kamm) , bone (and the resurrection of the Blue Crane) , bone (how the Blue Crane vainly sought for !kuommain |ka ||kau and was killed and eaten by the Lions) , Lions (the two Lions are called !gu and !haue ta ≠hou) , Lions (are people of the Early Race) , Lions (!gu eats people) , Lions (!gu persuades !haue ta ≠hou to eat people's flesh) , Lions (kill and eat the Blue Crane) , Lions (lose the Blue Crane's bone) , Lions (how the Blue Crane vainly sought for !kuommain |ka ||kau and was killed and eaten by) , resurrection (the Blue Crane is restored to life by means of one of |kaggen's bones) , resurrection (the Blue Crane returns to life in the water) , resurrection (how the Blue Crane vainly sought for !kuommain |ka ||kau and was killed and eaten by the Lions) , dress (what adult women wear) , dress (|kaggen prepares Blue Crane's things) , dress (the Blue Crane's cap, skin cloak and petticoat) , dress (how the Blue Crane vainly sought for !kuommain |ka ||kau and was killed and eaten by the Lions) , !kuommain |ka ||kau (the Blue Crane snatches at him and misses) , !kuommain |ka ||kau (he disappears into a flat stone) , !kuommain |ka ||kau (the Blue Crane's in-law, or ||yen) , !kuommain |ka ||kau (is the Frog's husband) , !kuommain |ka ||kau (the Blue Crane searches for) , Early Race (or First Bushmen) , Early Race (and the Frog's story) , Early Race (and The Blue Crane's story) , Early Race (the Frog, the Blue Crane, the Beetle and !kuommain |ka ||kau are people of) , name (|kaggen is also called ||kann-doro) , name (Blue Crane's bone is called !kamm) , name (the two Lions are called !gu and !haue ta ≠hou) , name (women's things are called !kuabba)

Story Pages


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